I know you can't start on that champagne without reading Voloshin's 2016 Laurels.
Do not despair, here they come:
Best Director - Heiner Goebbels for De Materie at Armory:
http://uniqum.livejournal.com/292621.htmlBest Actor - Frank Langella in the Father:
http://uniqum.livejournal.com/292937.htmlBest Actress - Marin Ireland in Ironbound:
http://uniqum.livejournal.com/292447.htmlBest Broadway play a tie between The Encounter
http://uniqum.livejournal.com/294298.html and the Crucible
http://uniqum.livejournal.com/293960.htmlBest Off Broadway Bedlam's Sense and Sensibility:
http://uniqum.livejournal.com/294298.htmlWith a node to the Wolves:
http://uniqum.livejournal.com/294770.htmlOff Off Broadway 1599 at Irondale:
http://uniqum.livejournal.com/293218.htmlMusical performance - human requiem at St.John The Divine.
https://www.facebook.com/tatyana.voloshin1/posts/10154395888149733?pnref=storyNothing in Ballet category. Nothing at all. Unbelievably so.
Overall it's been another good year at Armory, another horrible year at BAM, another empty year at Lincoln Center, and a decent year for both Broadway and off-Broadway.
I am hopeful for stronger cross-genres, for more urgent themes, for fresher approach, for constructive dialogs and young talents. Both in theater and life.
And that was my first toast. Happy New Year!