The Father
http://thefatherbroadway.comFrank Langella take Dylan Thomas' plea to heart and, boy, does he rage against the dying of the light!
Mr. Langella gives an amazing performance as Andre, an older gentleman gripped by Alzheimer's who is in turn difficult, cheerful, charming, and always sadly confused. Most definitely a performance of the year. Doug Hughes' direction is superb as it disorients the viewer as well as play's main subject in a perfect union of form and content. I'm not sure whether it's the writer Florian Zeller or a director's decision to start the play with a comfortably furnished set and gradually rid it of all the pieces, as well as disrobe play's elegant protagonist, shredding his world and tearing his dignity to pieces. The structure is tight and effective, but it’s not just cerebral. The play is empathetic. If you had it in your family (who didn't?), it would be a difficult watch.
I would prefer a different supporting cast but other then that, the play was contrary to its theme - quite unforgettable.