(no subject)

Jun 13, 2006 20:18

wow. I haven't updated in quite some time.. huh..well i've been quite busy with end of the school year crap and such. but its over! so i'm back...

so today was the last day. 9 o'clock ='d freedom! twas marvelous. So after my spanish final, went down to the caf. and met up with shawna kay carolyn liz sergio and john. We started off our day by wandering around Arlington in search of anywhere that would be open at 9 in the morning while everyone told me that they decided that i was black, only because i am like 15 shades darker than the rest of them, so that became the ongoing joke of the day..  the conclusion that we came to as we walked, was that NOTHING is open at 9 in the morning. so we decided to go into fanuel hall, cuz stuff was bound to be open there.

we got on the 77 bus to take us into Harvard square so we could get on the red line from there. pretty good time on a bus i must say. continuence of the "alli is black" jokes. found my long lost Brandy CD apparently.. talked about Sergio without him knowing, always fun... etc.etc.

so we got off once we got to Harvard Square and I sang "We're going DownTown.. things'll be great when you're down town!" then we walked down to the train, I explained to everyone the sign that said "DANGER:do not run down the ramp!" and how if you DID run down the ramp, you were sentenced to play aweful music in the train station for the rest of your life- hence all the "musicians" (i use that term loosely) that are always there. We proceeded to see a guy playing the Cello, or something like that (not well either)  and liz went up to him and was like... "omg.. did you run down the ramp?! of course the man had no idea what she was talking about.. but we sure got a kick out of it.

once on the train, we continued acting like obnoxious teens, as usual. I made sure to take lots of "train pics" and 1 rather boring..but still awesome "train video" Then shawna was sitting next to this random like Arab guy.. and she decided that it would be funny to put her arm around him.. just to see what would happen. so she did.. Needless to say he got off at the next stop. hehe. Then another lady sat next to shawna.. and she tried to do the same thing.. but this time she knocked the woman in the head! TOO funny.

we got off the train and headed to Fanuel Hall, we got there and decided that the first order of business was food. So we went into the Quincy Market in search of food. We decided to first get a table. We got there, and noticed that we had completely lost Carolyn. No worries though, I did end up finding her again! lOl. So then me kay and liz went to find food. We found this Chinese place with this enticing orange chicken that looked really good/. However, orange chicken was ALL they had. I'm talking no rice, no NOTHING! just chicken. but we got it anyway, cuz we were hungry. for just chicken it cost like 7 bucks tho! yikes. so then we went upstairs and sat down and as usual, liz yelled inappropriate things at the people below us. That was about it..

After we ate.. we started wondering around. Then kay had to pee, so while she went in search of a bathroom, we all just kinda chilled. Shawna saw this italian ice man, and decided to go give him a hug. and she did. Then Liz decided that she wanted to see if he would have a thumb war with her... and he did! so funny!

while we were waiting.. we were watching these little slut whores who were dressed identically. Lets just say Shawna and Liz had a little talk with them... lOl. oh! and this wicked PERV guy bumped into me while i was standing in a COMPLETELY open area and grabbed my ass. I was like.. woah! property of allison lipnoski! NOT YOU!. lol

once kay came back. we started heading toward the train, not before i found a guy dressed all colonial like and told him that we were biffs forEVER. he most definately agreed.

On the train, it was me shawna kay carolyn and sergio, nothing really significant happened until kaleigh went to get off at community college and was waiting at the wrong door to let her off... and didn't notice until the other door was almost closed. Lets just say some of the people on the train got a good laugh.

Everyone else got off at Malden Station. I dont  just mean my friends everyone.. i mean EVERYONE everyone, like i was the ONLI one in the train car. weIird. I noticed a sign that had originally said Metro-Exceptional, but with the help of a sharpie marker, someone cleverly turned it into Metro-sexual. I took a picture of it. don't know why...

Once off at Oak Grove, i was waiting out side for the bus, when this car drove by with these two big black guys. They started beeping and making what i can only guess would be "seductive faces" maybe? lol. but of course i proceeded to flip them off. I think they got the idea. Then a couple feet away from me...this other older black guy was like "wow, those guys wanted you. they wanted you bad!" i gave my nervous/awkward laugh. and then he continued "and ya know what..i do too (insert perverted laughing.)" then he started walking toward me.. i was like "umm.. no thanks much?!" then started quickly walking away. i decided it would be safer to just walk home. which turned out to be EXTREMELY hot. until i stopped at heavenly licks for a slush. had a nice conversation with Jay, the guy who owns it. don't worry. we're total biffs. then home. pretty much the gist of it all. pretty great start to summer if you ask me.

thanks for reading.
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