TRAVEL LOG: Another day in paradise

Aug 26, 2011 01:20

This morning I was to wake up early and head down to the local nude beach and shoot the model that had scheduled 2 (possibly 3) shoots with me for this trip. We had spoken on the phone, she seemed friendly and competent enough and her schedule coincided with mine so everything seemed cool.

When she first hit me up at 7:30am and told me she was running late I was ok with that. Then she told me an hour later her daughter was sick so she wanted to shoot on a later day. I sent her a text with my available shooting schedule for the week I'm here and I got back a message somewhere along the lines of "I don't think nudes are the best choice for my career." WTF?! I had to repost my casting call after taking it down since I thought I was already booked. (My time for shooting art nudes here is limited, since I'm here for a corporate shoot.) Fortunately another model hit me up on the new casting call within minutes, and in theory I have a shoot scheduled with her in 2 days. (I'm calling her tomorrow morning to discuss it, though, so I'll let you know how that goes.)

Anyhow, today was a fun day. I shot arrivals of guests for the events, got in some swimming time again and went to an awesome desert reception, where I had some Hawaiian coffee. WOW is that stuff good. I may never go back to French roast. I also got to meet super-Olympian Mark Spitz today (he was swimming in the hotel pool) and that was also pretty neat. Basically, it was altogether an awesome first full day in Maui.

And I did get another "fish in a barrel" shot, which is not at all surprising:

Taken from the pool, out towards the beach. (Click to embiggen *snicker*)

And lastly I did end up getting moved to another room, but this one is *also* temporary (just for tonight) but it does have 4 balconies, a whirlpool tub in a window overlooking the beach, and this view from the 8th floor:

So despite the minor snafus I am pretty stoked to be in Paradise, even if Pickles can't be with me (yet another fashion show is keeping her home). But I will be home soon, and that makes it bearable.

Cheers from Paradise!
-- Richard
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