English phrases

Jun 12, 2010 21:52

- it was clearly the old wound that had healed
-memories chased themselves across her face
- he glanced back down the passages of time
-is this an invitation or a refined form of torture?
- so, what s the verdict?
- no desire to lick the wounds in public
-money always speaks louder than words

-you re very confident
- I have no reason not to be

-live dangerously! do what you always wanted to do!

- infatuation is a very poor substitute for love
-she had more urgent fish to fry
- you had not fallen for him? he supposed to be a source!
- he is- of endless erotic fantasy

inevitable hobby horse - любимый конек

-that was clear an example as you can get of bolting the stable when the horse has gone
-thank you , kind sir
-down-to -earth honest-to-goodness old pub
-by word of a mounth
-I resent this implication

- so he married the boss s daugther! I do not suppose that did his career any harm?

-calendar weather
-quite fleet on his feet is Robert
-none of them exactly intellectual giants
- she was n t as green as she was cabbage-looking
-to each it s own poison

english phrases

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