Today I had a four hour lecture on French phonetics. Out of the seven students taking the class, I was the only one who showed up.
The lecturer, aside from being French, is also insane.
It was awkward.
It was me, littlest flatmate and Icelandic flatmate. Almost the entire dream was just us sitting on a plane that was flying through the night sky. Everyone was asleep, but we were leafing through the emergency leaflet. Instead of the regular pictures, it held a little comic strip, telling us that we could have bought our flight ticket for half the price, if we'd have been willing to sit in the "children's seats". And then there were pictures (in various shades of blue and yellow), of a grown man trying to fit around a children's coffee table, while little kids were having a pretend tea-party all around him.
We were on our way to India. Once we got there, it looked a lot like Paris. Mohinder Suresh from Heroes held a little shop that sold fruit, and my friend Suud sold books in a booth across the street.
I seem to be dreaming of India a lot lately, and I really don't know why. I've never been there, and of all the places I want to visit, it isn't even very high on my list. This is not to say that I don't want to go to India - just that I'm not feeling the urge right now. It's peculiar.
I'm also dreaming about airport and planes a lot - but that isn't hard to figure out. It's summer. I want to travel. I don't want to deal with my life right now, and going away, no matter where, has never sounded so appealing.
And that sounded like such a depressing way to end an entry, I feel compelled to write one more sentence. There. Uhm... I wonder what's for lunch today?
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