(no subject)

Jan 22, 2012 14:26

There's a Johari thing going around. I like these almost as much as I like memes. Hopefully someone else likes them too, or just feels like indulging me.

The rest of this post will be about TV:

Has anyone else been watching American Horror Story? Scares the socks right off me, but it's a good show, no question about it. I'm not done with the first season yet, so I haven't so much as googled it for fear of being spoiled. I do hope they wrap the season up in a satisfying way somehow, and won't try to drag it out, because there's a lot of potential here.

I picked up Revenge and Grimm as well. The former is fantastic. I wish I hadn't known about it until the end of the season, because it's definitely the kind of show that is good for binge watching. I'm now stuck waiting a week between episodes, and it's unbelievably frustrating. I love a show with a Plan.

Grimm is... a disappointment. Is anyone else watching it? Did you like it? If so, why? It seems too monster-of-the-week for me. I'm a big fantasy/horror show fan, but I'm having trouble buying what they're showing me.

Ah, and finally! I finished the first season of BBC's Sherlock. Yes. Very good. Yes. Definitely. Subtitles were a life-saver. And Sherlock's... face. Is that not just one of the prettiest faces the BBC has ever shown you? Yes, yes it is.

This entry was originally posted at http://unikorento.dreamwidth.org/35449.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

fandom: criminal mind

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