(no subject)

Jan 22, 2012 01:33

*clears throat*

Remember all those plans I had for Christmas? Making posts, sending cards, that kind of thing? So, yes, did none of that. Very sorry. If you don't mind getting a Christmas themed card about a month too late, then I could still send them out. In my defense, I did buy them. I have the stamps and everything. I even know where I have them. I could offer a bunch of excuses but, really, I just buckle under pressure and my studies were handing out a lot of it in December. This is so not a fantastic quality in a person, but there you go.

I did have a nice Christmas though, once I got over moping about missing deadlines and things. I now have a new little carry-on bag thing with wheels that meets the requirements for Ryan Air, a french version of the Stieg Larsson trilogy, lots of yarn, and pajamas that have pictures of sheep on them. Oh, and that Final Fantasy that came out for the Xbox 360 back in the day, but that I never got to play because I didn't have the right console. So, hooray!

New Year was beyond awesome, as usual. This time we were in Finland, and I had the luxury of not needing to fly anywhere. I got to sit at home and have all my friends come to me instead. We didn't have a lot of snow, which was sad. Naturally, it all came down just a few days after the Italians, who had been the most keen on seeing it, had already left. Meh.

Sister got addicted to SPN, and finished blazing through the entire series just last week. I am glad. My msn kept lighting up with her live commentary, and I got to vicariously re-live the experience of not knowing what was around the corner.

But, say. The thing that happened in 7x10... did that really happen? I mean, that didn't really happen, right? They wouldn't, right? Right?

I feel accomplished now. Look at me, I wrote an entry!

This entry was originally posted at http://unikorento.dreamwidth.org/35134.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

writing: scribbles, occasion: christmas, family: pikkusisko, fandom: supernatural, occasion: new year

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