Hospital called. Got work for (probably) a week. At least for tomorrow. Hooray!
As the universe would have it, this coincides with the one week that we would have had zero bookings, and I could have had three whole days of only cooking for the harvest team and not needing to do anything else. What would have been 3 hour workdays will now be 12. But then again - I'll actually get paid, so not really complaining here. Just... rolling my eyes at the timing of it all.
Seriously. Does anyone know how to watch Hammer of the Gods and not walk away feeling five kinds of cranky? I really thought it wouldn't be so bad the second time, but apparently... seeing it coming does not make it any less annoying.
...Can I please write fic where all this never happens? That's not cheating, is it?
Oh, oh! And! Last weekend I went to see Harry Potter and it was awesome. And
lillannan visited here (and got roped into helping to prepare for a wedding party, poor girl), and we got to sing a lot, and Brother had his birthday and we ate cake and played Carcassone until 4 a.m. Sister and cousin's kid Maiju have left, so me and Inka have the whole upstairs to ourselves. It's almost like having some privacy. And I have the computer all to myself for once. <3
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