THIS. Okay, it's in Finnish. But yay for politically involved blogger-person making long, cranky, and yet well thought out and informative post. Finland, all hope is not lost! <3
And on another note:
Today the book that holds all our reservations promised that we had no bookings. And then two people on bikes showed up in the yard. Dad, it seems, had forgotten to write it down. He'd booked the room that currently houses my great-aunt Hillevi.
The bikers got another (better) room for a cheaper price and were very happy about our mix up. It's nice that business is good and all... but I can't help but feel dissapointed. I'd been looking forward to a tourist-free day all week. Le sigh.
And - My cousin's kid Otto is the cutest 15-year-old in the whole world! He looks exactly like Brother did at that age, and he even has some of the same mannerisms. He's all big eyes and mop of blonde hair, and he's trying so hard to be a grown up and be taken seriously.
We had a conversation about how annoyed we are that Radio Rock doesn't come through on the station properly even in downtown Porvoo, and how weird it is that the barn radio will still pick it up in the middle of the forest. I nodded and conversed and was very proper, but in my head I was just making "squee" sounds and fighting the urge to pinch his cheek.
I don't care how old he gets, that boy is always going to be the little thing that followed me and Sister around, who needed to get picked up twice as often as the others because he would burst into tears at the drop of a hat. <3 And now he headbanged with me to a System of a Down track, and knows how to wield a heinähanko! (... is the translation of that word really "pitchfork"? It sounds so malevolent.)
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