Guest Starring Sparker as Busty LaRue

Apr 02, 2009 15:01

My Wednesday night was pretty low-key: a little happy hour with our very own LC (who is, I might add, much more entertaining than the one that has a television show; just ask her about her Bikini Club series idea. . .it's exactly what you think AND MORE THAT IS EVEN BETTER) and then I journeyed to the Barbie Dream House to watch The Royal Tenenbaums which I had somehow never seen. I was home and in bed shortly after midnight, though I read a silly book (I seem to have no shortage of them these days) until probably 2:30 or so.

Woke up magically- if by magically you mean a cat prancing on my computer and making it do odd and unwelcome things- at 6am to fall back asleep listening to the rain. I should have just gotten out of bed, because when I did finally do so at 8:30 I was SO TIRED I WANTED TO DIE. It was a serious act of will to get out of bed, rinse off in the shower and attempt to actually teach things to my kiddos at tutoring. And I even had coffee!

I thought of Samantha, who has been awake for something like 48hrs straight working on various law school things and probably descending into psychosis as I write this. Maybe I was trying to channel off some of your sleeplessness for you?

I still needed a power nap this afternoon. What is wrong with me? Can a few cocktails really make me that sleepy? I didn't think I was that old yet?

I am slightly worried about this.

Love from a Sarah

not so late nights, booze is the answer, productivity, early mornings, adventures in cat ownership

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