Good thing I still have an entire bottle of champagne leftover from New Years.

Feb 11, 2009 13:18

I enjoy eavesdropping on people in coffee shops way, way too much. Oh, the glorious awkward flirting attempts! "I like your socks. Awesome socks" followed by nervous laughter all around. Really I love that I am so easily amused.

I do not love the fact that my miniature stapler (which happens to be far superior to my regular-sized one) has gone missing, which means that I will most likely find it in the cats' water bowl later this week. Kitten loves to steal things off of my computer desk when I am not looking and knock them around once they are good and damp. At least staplers are not absorbent. He ruined all of the little paper tags you are supposed to use to mark Important Things in your books and even took them out of the books I was marking once upon a time. My mother thinks this is cute, probably because she does not come home to find her ivory eiderdown comforter speckled with mysterious hot pink patches where the dye has run out of something.

There is some business fair I should probably be attending in the actual business school, but I am sitting here in not-business-casual clothes trying to make myself do work I should have done three months ago, as usual. Seriously if the path to enlightenment is non-attachment and apathy counts in that regard then I am well on my way to becoming a mystic.

I think His Chubbiness, the Chubbers Himself would elevate me to Nirvana if I just gave him enough tuna- this is my insurance for eternal life. I should definitely start a discussion on this in my next Psychology and Religion class. (I did end up talking about His Dark Materials today. I know myself so very well.)

In other news, Valentine's Chocolate Day is fast approaching. I hope you are all ready with your awkward first dates, romantic evenings or bottles of booze to drink away the pain of being single and pelted with glittery heart-shaped objects at your local grocery store. I for one am journeying to a far away land (South Padre) to drink with family members in the vicinity of a beach. Yessss.

The cats would be doing this for me, except they will just be napping and grooming each other when not destroying things in my absence.

Maybe when they get older they will also become thoughtful enough to bring me flowers instead of their natural instinct to bring me dead or half-dead creatures (or damp staplers). Nothing says "I love you" like a half-eaten frog carcass!

A girl can dream.

Love from a Sarah

stupid corporate holiday, booze is the answer, my cats are insane, chocolate, productivity, gerard butler where are you

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