So far it's been a productive Saturday...and still going

Jul 21, 2007 18:54

Things that I have accomplished today:
~Got the new HP book
~Cleaned and folded all my laundry
~Decorated another mini-lunch box as a gift for one of my scrapbooking friends
~Finished another set of ATC's for the big swap in August

I still have quite a bit on my to-do list for today, but I seem to be plugging along fairly well. I spent the day at the StampBug simultaneously getting crafts and laundry done. Since I allowed myself to "play" during the day, tonight is devoted to actually packing a significant amount of my "stuff". There is a lot around here that I'm not going to need over the course of the next two weeks and that can all get thrown into boxes. Plus, if I have more stuff packed, then I can concentrate more on doing some cleaning at the other house so I'll actually want to move some of my things there.

The house is WAY too warm right now, but I have the windows and doors open and the fan going, so I'm hoping that improves things soon. The heat makes me move slower, but I'm hoping that a tall glass of ice water and a wardrobe change will fix things.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

weekend plans, moving, chores, scrapping, atc's

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