Day 21: What are some positive mottos or mantras you have about life or the self? (If you don't have any yet, tumblr is full of wonderful inspirational quotes!) What do you appreciate about these mottos/mantras? How do they help you?
"Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all."
- Emily Dickinson
I appreciate the value and beauty of hope and never want to lose hope.
"If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain."
- Emily Dickinson
Life is very complex, but ultimately, if I've helped someone or made them feel better, my life was worth living.
Day 01: Let's assume that there are two personality trait types: ones we can change and ones we can't change but can accept. What are some things about yourself that you couldn't change so you've learned to accept? What did you learn from this experience? How do you feel about learning to accept things about yourself if you cannot change them?
Day 02: Let's assume that there are two personality trait types: ones we can change and ones we can't change but can accept. What are some things about yourself that you wanted to change and succeeded? What did you learn through the experience? What are some things that you are still working on changing? What are the pros and cons of accepting those things vs. changing them?
Day 03: The media only tells one story, of one body type or facial structure. The media's one-track mind is missing out on all of the world's different types of beauty. What type of beauty are you?
Day 04: While personality is more complicated to alter, let's assume that we have free reign over what we behave like. What are some things you do that you think are incredible?
Day 05: While personality is more complicated to alter, let's assume that we have free reign over what we value. What are some things you value/believe in that you think are incredible?
Day 06: Some of us tend to fixate or focus on the opinions others have of us, because we forget that we are the experts on who we are. Think back to the most recent time someone was wrong about you. Why were they wrong? Would remembering why they're wrong help you when someone else is wrong about you again? Why or why not?
Day 07: When you don't feel good about yourself, what do you do that change that, if anything? Whether you do anything to change that or not, what would you suggest that someone else do to feel good about themselves? Would you be able to try those things?
Day 08: Why might listening to someone else's opinion of beauty be problematic? Why might accepting the media's one-track mind about beauty be problematic?
Day 09: Let's assume for a moment that everyone has one thing about them that differentiates them from everyone else. One positive unique "thing," almost like a mutant gene that no one shares even if two people have one that seems similar. What is your unique thing? How can you celebrate it?
Day 10: Sometimes we treat others much better than we treat ourselves. Pretend for a moment that you are also your own friend and friend!you wants to tell you!you why you are important and/or wonderful. What might that sound like?
Day 11: Let's assume that negativity is like dirt. If we walk through life, we're bound to get a little dirty, and this is okay! Sometimes, it can even be fun! (Think of food fights or taking a hike or Halloween make-up) but at the end of the day (or the next morning if you're a morning person) you have to take a shower to be ready for the next adventure. What are some other metaphors you can come up with for being able to experience negative thoughts (either from others or yourself) or unenjoyable emotions (remember, emotions can't be negative, they are all healthy to feel) but then let it go?
Day 12: What might be problematic about wanting perfection? What might be unrealistic about the concept of perfection?
Day 13: Assuming that we all admire someone (if you don't, maybe there's something that comes close?): the people we admire in our lives, or even fictional characters that we admire, all have "flaws." Let's assume that their "flaws" might contribute to their likability and your admiration of them. Why might that be? What have you learned about "flaws" through your answer?
Day 14: Have you ever made a mistake that impacted you in a positive way? What was it and what was the positive impact? If you haven't, what's a possible mistake you or someone could make that could be a blessing in disguise? How does this make you feel about making mistakes?
Day 15: What does it take for you to forgive someone? Does it take more or less for you to forgive yourself? Why do you think that is?
Day 16: It's okay to feel down, to whine, or to vent. It's natural not to enjoy some things, some people, or some days. How do you allow yourself to get the negativity out?
Day 17: What are some of the possible benefits of attaining higher self-esteem than you currently have?
Day 18: What are the ways in which you cheer others up? What are the ways in which you cheer yourself up? What are some other cheer-up tips you might have?
Day 19: Do you have a theme song? (If you don't, I encourage you to find one, it's an incredible experience!) How might this song emphasize the positive things about you?
Day 20: If, because of magic or because of your hard work or because of something else, you wake up tomorrow with high confidence. What would be different in your life in comparison to how it is today?
Day 21: What are some positive mottos or mantras you have about life or the self? (If you don't have any yet, tumblr is full of wonderful inspirational quotes!) What do you appreciate about these mottos/mantras? How do they help you?
Day 22: What do people say that they like about you? What do you think about the things hat they like? Do you like these things as well? Why or why not? What could be the benefits of appreciating these things about yourself?
Day 23: Make a long list of your personal breakthroughs. What were some situations that you didn't think you could overcome, but you did?
Day 24: What is a realistic, concrete goal you would like to accomplish today? How about this week? This month? This year? If you achieve any of these four goals, how will you reward yourself? If you do not achieve any of these four goals, how will you tweak it to make it more realistic or what will you do differently when trying again?
Day 25: What is something you're scared of that you would like to fear less? What would be the benefits of learning how to fear it less? What could be the smallest (least difficult) step you could take towards fearing it less?
Day 26: Let's assume that we are all meant to be different and therefore cannot be better or worse than one another. How would this assumption change your life? How would it change how you see yourself?
Day 27: Sometimes helping others or being supportive of others can help us feel good. What are some things you like/love about the people in your life? Maybe, since you're doing this on LiveJournal, you can take this time to tell some LJ friends what you like about them?
Day 28: What are you passionate about (career, hobbies, interests)? (If you're not sure what you're passionate about, check your LJ or your tumblr or your room, there could be helpful hints anywhere!) How do you enjoy these things? How do you flourish because of them?
Day 29: Some people believe in never being serious. Some people believe in taking everything seriously. Let's assume that both groups of people are bringing something important to the table. How can you take nothing and everything seriously at the same time? How might this benefit you?
Day 30: So, who are you and what do you like about yourself?