Good Day with Michael, Teal, and Eric!

Feb 17, 2012 19:39

Today has been a good day:-) No anxiety at all so far, yay! I read Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales, spent time on the personality forum I frequent, and went with Michael to Teal and Eric's apartment to watch Beastly with Teal. Then we stayed for dinner! I'm always so hungry due to Zyprexa and can't cook, whereas Teal can. I've found that because Zyprexa makes me so hungry I will eat almost anything. I used to be a very picky eater. Teal made noodles with chicken sausage, zucchini, onion, and tomato. I ate three bowls! I usually don't eat onions or zucchini. Zucchini and onion really doesn't have much of a taste when cooked and were completely palatable, tasting like the seasonings. Michael ran out to the nearby Whole Foods while the rest of us ate dinner to get me Luna Bars. I'm going to try and keep only healthy foods in the house so I don't binge eat on junk food, but I will eat when I'm hungry. I'd like to lose a few lbs (literally -- not that much), but I'm not going to weigh myself and will be patient. I gained mainly in my chest and thighs/butt.

body image, weight, movies, food, anorexia, friends

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