Report 6

Nov 06, 2005 23:07

November 5, 2005:

Well, today was.. it was pretty good. THe details are still a bit fuzzy... But, what happened was I woke up around ten-ish.. and I began to roleplay with a furry I know from Texas. She goes by the name of TSKy, but I also know her human name. It was certainly one of the best roleplays I ever had, and I hope to continue it in the future. It's very adventurous, with a nice plot to it. After that, I played some Maplestory, and some Counter Strike: Condition Zero. Later on I was invited to go to the movies with Adam and Greg. Of course I wanted to go.. I wanted to see that movie The Weather Man. After I was picked up and we were at the theaters, we all waited in line. I went to buy my ticket, and go to the other two. I saw that they had not bought their tickets, and Greg's like "Oh, let's go do something else.." I was confused. I thought we came to the mall to watch a movie.. and I had already bought my ticket.. I was too nervous to tell them that, though. We asked him what else he'd rather do, and he says "I don't know." Ooookay.. We decided to watch the movie. This pleased me because I would've felt bad if I lost the 8.50 it costs to get in. Also, the movie was fantastic, Adam, Greg, and myself enjoyed it a lot. After that we decided to go have dinner. We went to the Old Pueblo Grill. I've been there once before, and I enjoyed it a lot. I enjoyed it just as much the second time around.. but while we were having dinner, Greg wants to talk about how I treated him when he appologized to me for being out with his freinds all day. We all 3 had a lengthy discussion on it.. basically the conclusion of that discussion was that I shouldnt bottle things up.. but its so hard. I have a really hard time telling people what I feel MOstly because, well.. I guess I've always felt second to everyone. I always had this mindset that it would somehow burden them for me to complain about things like that. But then it gets all trapped inside, and before I know it, it's a really big issue to me. I don't like feeling inferior to people, and I don't like being thought of second. I guess that's why it bothers me when Greg hangs out with his freinds.. I just don't feel like, during those times, he is even thinking about me. It makes me feel like he likes being with his freinds more than me, even though he says that's not true. I think of him all the time. I mean that.. I've become more and more dependant of his company, that it literally bothers me when that isnt availible for me. it also makes me feel kinda bad that lately he's been scritching his freind CHris. I like Chris, and I really don't mind the scritching.. but it just makes me feel like he's thinking of me even less when he's doing that. It feels like slowly elliminating things that I provide for him, and replacing them with other people. I wish there was a way for be more assured.. oh fuck it, I just wish we could live together.. I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. Writing this is making me cry.. I can't beleive it.. I love him so fucking much, I just want to be with him always. I never want him to be anywhere but next to me... I don't even know what to say! It is hard to type when I'm like this because the screen and keyes are fuzzy... I'm going into the bathroom to try and straighten myself up.Okay, I'm back... I'll continue now. After dinner, we went to Wal-MArt, and looked around. We laughed at how cheesy some of the things there are, and talking a lot. On the way back, adam let me hop into the shopping cart, and he pushed me all the way back to the car. I enjoyed that.. it made me feel special, and it was fun. After we got into the car, adam pushed the shopping cart with his car for a bit, and then it fell over when he hit it too hard.. that was pretty funny. We left, drove to my house, and hung out in my room for a little.. not too entertaining. We didn't even talk that much.. adam was slightly upset. I feel bad for him.. I really wish he could.. find someone. He needs it, and I would like to see him happy. Adam and Greg left. I roleplayed with my good freind, Arc Nova. He is a very good roleplayer, and the roleplay we are doing is a very cute, yet intamate one. I went to bed at 4 AM.

November 6, 2005:

I spent the entire morning roleplaying with TSKy. SHe had to go somewhere at like 1, so I played maplestory untill Greg got online. He was not online for very long. He wanted to get some kinda attatchment for his muffler to make his car sound better.. at the time, I didn't mind him going out. He felt bad at first, but I tried to comfort him. He left shortly after.. we did not get to talk much. Oh, that reminds me, while TSKy and I were roleplying, my work calls and asks if I can work tonight. I really don't want to, they tell me to call back if I can or not. My mom tells me that I have to work. She tells me to call my work and tell them I'll be in. I don't call. She comes upstairs a bit later, and asks if I called my work. I said no. SHe asks why, and I tell her it's because I don't want to work. She tells me I HAVE to work.. and then she says she wants me to call my work right there, and tell them I'll be comming in. I dial the number wrong, twice.. the third time, mom yells, "Why are you dialing more than 7 numbers??" I go "Excuse me!" and I hold the phone up to her face, showing seven numbers. She slaps the phone out of my hand, and it falls to the floor. She shouts "YOu don't treat me that way!" I shout the same thing back, mimicking her motions. I pick up the phone, and my boss is on the phone. SHe says I don't have to come in because the person that originally cancelled was gunna come in anyways. Mom goes back downstairs. Well, after Greg left, I played Maplestory for a long while. Adam starts talking to me.. Nikki upset him again. It was a really big conflict.. and I don't really feel like typing it because I'm tired and it would take a long time. But, it got solved, which is good. THe conflict really didn't involve me, but I tried my best to help. I look at the clock.. it read 11. I was mad, because when Greg left he said that he wouldn't be out too late. SO, I type to him, even though he's away, that maybe next time I should find out what his defenition of late is. I don't want to be mad at him.. but I am anyways. He "mislead" me again... How am I supposed to feel good about him hanging out with his freinds if he does this to me? Well, I need to go to sleep now. I am tired.
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