Drabble for protectndestroy

May 01, 2009 11:11

Note: I have to admit, that with this drabble, I had no idea what I was doing until I started writing it. Mostly because I am so used to this song belonging to another set of characters, that it took forever to get out of that mindset. But I think I managed to convey what you wanted from this piece. Yes?

Balthazar scanned the room for his little sister, having lost sight of her earlier in the evening while attempting to keep Azrael and Lust apart. Yes, it was a ball -- but they didn't need the entire realm deciding to get it on right there in the middle of the dance floor. There were just some people Balthazar never wanted to see naked. Some of their councilors being among them.

He finally spotted her sitting off to the side, looking absolutely miserable. Circe had never really been one for the formality of balls. Oh she liked the idea of a big party well enough, but she had always wanted to invite the hounds. Of course, she had been a child then. Now, at sixteen, things should have been a little different. She should have been mingling, flirting. Turning down propositions from the various lords because there was no way they could ever compete with him and Azrael.

But no. She was just sitting there. And for a moment that caused a small pang of guilt deep inside him. He couldn't help but wonder if part of her unhappiness had to do with the fact that they were gone. Balls, after all, had been one of their mother's favorite things. And no ball since...her disappearance had passed without all three of them thinking of her. But he knew Circe was thinking of him too. For some insane reason, she missed him.

He couldn't have that -- couldn't see that look on her face. What was done was for the best. He knew that. But to see her like this...

No. No. He would just have to come up with a distraction. And, as luck would have it, the perfect one presented itself as the orchestra began playing a tango.

Moving across the floor, he approached his sister, stopping in front of her and offering her his hand. "Come on..."


"Come on...dance with me."

Circe thought for a moment. She hadn't really been in a dancing mood. But she did love this piece and Balthazar did look particularly handsome in his tux so why not. Laying her hand in his, she nodded and allowed him to lead her onto the floor.


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