Drabble for chromagia

May 01, 2009 11:08

Note: Technically, I suppose I should have posted this in Eris' journal. But I am lazy and the request was made in this one.

"Mag! Mag! Mag!" Seeing her Uncle's songbird walk by, the princess poked her head out of her room, beckoning the singer over. "Mag, come see!"

"See what, my little lady?" Mag could only imagine what it was the eight year old had to show her -- but she was sure it was bound to be amazing. Eris and Avenant always managed to come up with the best things.

So it pleased Mag even more to see that Avenant was in the room with his sister.

"Mother's been teaching us to dance."

"We're practicing for Mid Summer's." Avenant grinned. He was quite impressed with how well he and his sister were doing. And with just a little more practice they would be flawless. And they must be flawless. Because all eyes would be on them at the ball. How could they not be?

"Can we show you?"

"Of course!" Mag was delighted to watch the two. She remembered dancing. She still danced with her Lord. And it pleased her to no end to see the children dancing. Everyone should dance. It wasn't just a movement, it was an entire way of communicating -- you could have entire conversations with your feet. And that was...

Well it was just neat! Or at least Mag thought so.

So she sat, settled on Eris' bed, as the children showed her all they had learned. And when they were done, Mag rose to her feet, giving them a standing ovation before wrapping her arms around both of them, hugging them close. "Wonderful!"


"Really. Absolute perfection!"


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