want to travel south this year

Jan 02, 2012 21:13


in this world of hope and risk by
Her father had taught her to survive in the wild, to speak many languages, to defend herself, to kill. He had not taught her what to do once Marissa was dead. Perhaps he had not known himself. Then again, perhaps he had thought he would survive and they could learn together what came next.

Her future stretches out before her, her path uncertain and full of decisions that only she can make for herself. Hanna takes in another breath, lets it out slowly. It is strange, she finds, having choices, being able to decide between more than two options (flip the switch or don’t, kill Marissa or die). Ridiculously lovely post-movie fic in which Hannie decides to find Sophie and Sophie hopes to be found. Wistful and full of hope. Hanna totally deserves a life of kissing Sophie and listening to music. *hearts*


Crazy Stupid Love

This Post-Postmodern Age Is All Business by
This is really good - it does a great job exploring what effect Hannah's work situation would have on her relationship with Jacob, and how she would deal with it. there's a nice tension running through the whole thing - I actually wasn't sure how it was going to end, though I really like the way it did.


Push (2009)

Monday's Child by
Seven little vignettes of Nick and Cassie's life on the run. Lovely


Ten Inch Hero

That Lucky by
Really sweet and lovely story that goes AU from the movie, because in this story, Priestly is actually Jen's internet friend (AS HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN) and this is about how they work through the complications of that and eventually get together. *happy sigh*


Due to a ridiculous proliferation of spam comments on this LJ, I've closed comments here. Please comment at http://unfitforsociety.dreamwidth.org/181625.html if at all possible. Thanks.

push, 01/12, yuletide, ten inch hero, crazy stupid love, hanna

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