i was naked in the clothes you made

Jan 06, 2010 13:21

The Odyssey

Telemachies by Lysimache
And my mom just goes on and on, about how everything will be different when my dad comes back, and I want to just tell her, look, it's not like anyone thinks that's going to happen anymore, not after he's been gone all these years, and besides, it's not like she could even tell for sure that O. was my dad for real in the first place, anyway. But that's not the kind of thing you say, and Minnie's right that if he *was* still around, at least the boyfriend brigade would have to move on. Fascinating telling/retelling of Telemachus' story. I'm not sure I get it all, but what I got, I really like.


Fire from Heaven

In Two Bodies by Amber Largo
The gods had heaped Alexander with blessings, skill and wit and wisdom unmatched by ordinary men, perhaps unknown since Achilles himself, and yet he needed Hephaistion to temper him, to be the water to cool his glowing metal, to remind him that his noble mind still burned within a mortal's body that required such petty things as food and rest and love. Lovely. I love how focused Hephaistion is on Alexander, on knowing what he needs and how to give it to him, and how Alexander acknowledges that and needs it, and gives Hephaistion what he needs in return. ♥ ♥ ♥


Mr. and Mrs. Smith

A Little Less Conversation by ChristyCorr
It was irritating, but sometimes it seemed like sex was the only thing that put them on the same page; and they often needed reminding that there was a good reason they'd both given up on their careers to risk their lives for each other. / They needed to figure out a feasible course of action, and fast. John seemed to thrive on living one day at a time, following hunches left and right, but this indecision was driving Jane insane. Though part of a huge organization, she had always worked the field alone; she never worked well with a partner, and she was starting to remember why. Amazingly excellent and funny follow-up to the movie, with John and Jane trying to figure out how to get free of the trouble they're in, and also make their relationship better.

Second Honeymoon by Belle
Another good look at John and Jane working on their relationship after the movie.


mythology, 01/10, yuletide, alexander, mr. & mrs. smith

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