OOC: Permissions

Sep 03, 2010 06:34

♔ Permissions Post ♔

Threadjacking: If it doesn't say "Do Not Hack" or it's a log post between two characters then Mytho's threads are a free-for-all. Threadjack away.
--For In Person threadjacking see below.
--For Hacking Threads/Posts see below.
Death: Never without prior discussion, death is good but I'd like to keep it to a minimum. Mytho is a good little puppet with a reckless streak to protect the innocent but he has a Fakir Knight who protects him from serious injuries.

Violence: Again never without prior discussion. He's a kind prince - loved by all - but he has a habit of wandering into danger randomly but he's not a violent kind of guy - more of a protector and only fights to save the innocent and helpless.  This too goes hand-in-hand with the death permission, injuring is all well and good - death a little less so although I am open to ideas.

Smut: Mytho allows all kinds of things (people licking him, randomly agreeing to date, etc) but his watchdog will most likely stop it before it goes too far.  I'm all for it but only if there's someone he could have a serious relationship with.

Romance: It's canon for Mytho to eventually end up with Rue but that doesn't mean I'm not open to other relationships.  However unfortunately he's still missing the piece of him that allows for true love and it's more like affection so be aware of that.

Sexuality: Anyone who manages to make it on to Mytho's radar has a chance.  Man, woman, animal, person who just magically looks like an animal can get him to date him, but this doesn't mean Mytho will actually feel anything for them.

In Person/Action Threads:  Of course, I encourage In Person/Action threads with Mytho.  These are sure-fired way to get some long-lasting CR with him as he may loose interest in talking over the faciliberries and wander away from a conversation if he's no longer curious about it.  However, threadjacking an In Person/Action thread please try to ask so as not to collide with Mytho 's CR with another character. This does not include Fakir because let's face it...he's a big ol' stalker and they're totally gay. Another exception is if your character was with Mytho at the time of the post - aka joint posts.

Hacking Threads/Posts: Mytho may never learn how to lock a thread unless someone teaches him - he is pretty much a blank slate and therefore soaks up all kinds of information. Unless a thread is labeled "Do Not Hack" all are open to anyone who can hack better than he can. Usually these threads are important plot moving ones so you probably won't see many of these.

Plotting: I'm always up for plotting and try to be on AIM as often as possible so I'm available. Mytho's a pretty odd guy and tends to wander and do as people as so he's always willing to try new things.

Handwaved Healing: Mytho has no healing skills.  However if he's in need of healing I'm all for handwaving the actual process and just assuming it happened.

Relationship Charts: If you feel like your character is missing from Mytho's relationship chart don't hesitate to throw them on there under the "To Be Added" section. An icon you like and a link to their posts would be appreciated.  ♥
--I try to update these at least monthly so don't be offended if your character doesn't show up right away.

The following applies to canonmates:

Come on - there's years where time was skipped between when he arrived to live with Fakir and the start of the series.  While there are some events that most definitely happened there's a lot more unspoken and unseen events.  I'm all for rolling with whatever's on your mind - throw it at me IC or OOC and I'll enjoy it, trust me.

This is the permissions list for OOC (out of character), activity.
Answer the following questions with "yes" or "no", as well as additional information if desired.
Backtagging: Yes, if there's something you want me to tag poke me.  If you want to tag an old post of mine, go right ahead.
Threadhopping: Yes.  Threadhop all over Mytho.
Fourthwalling: According to a_facility 's rules the 4th wall will remain intact.  Mainly this just includes the fact that he is a character within a book.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): I'm very hard to offend, although you will find there are some situations I'll NEVER put Mytho in.  Mainly rape is the only one I'm uncomfortable with.

This is the permissions list for IC (in-character), activity.
Answer the following questions with "yes" or "no", as well as additional information if desired. With IC permissions, it's a good idea to elaborate on what other players can expect from your character if they choose to do any of the following:
Hugging this character: Yes. You may get nothing in return, or you could get a hug or maybe even pushed away.
Kissing this character: Yes. But this has consequences that may involve Fakir and violence.
Flirting with this character: Yes. But fair warning - Mytho might not get it.  The chances are really good that he won't get it.
Smut with this character: I'm willing to write it and have it happen, but only if there's a previous thing between them - otherwise I will allow someone to intervene.
Het - Yaoi - Yuri: Yes - Yes - Not possible - Mainly, I'm all for letting the characters draw towards each other rather than force it.  Things change people, even Mytho.
Fighting with this character: Yes. While skilled in swordplay Mytho is basically an average human wielding a sword and therefore not nearly as strong as other characters.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Yes. Scars, bruising and even internal damage but I draw the line at limb dismembering.
Killing this character: Mytho tends to wander into danger and towards dangerous people but I'm still against killing him too much so all plots involving death must be gone over first before I can agree to it.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: While Mytho has no mental shields to save him there also may not be a lot going on in his mind.  Or there could be a billion questions floating around - really let me know and I'll accommodate you for any point they're close.

Warnings: Mytho isn't really all that independent.  Sure he wanders off by his own, saves those in trouble but he has no such thing as shame and wouldn't hesitate to leave his room in only a shirt.  More often than not it's more about going through the motions - hand him a pair of pants and he'll put them on, toothbrush and he'll brush his teeth, give him food and he'll eat.  Thankfully he's gotten to the point where he won't eat until he explodes but he may forget eating all together.

ooc, permissions

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