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nightfestival June 15 2009, 02:44:39 UTC
[at a loss for words, not the first time she's seen death through the Dreamberry but...]

Excuse me, sir, are you all right? That was....


unfearful June 15 2009, 12:03:46 UTC
I'm fine. That wasn't anything.

[Geez, lots of concerned strangers these days.]


nightfestival June 16 2009, 00:23:17 UTC
[What she does best. Have a little bit more worrying.]

Are you sure? I mean, I understand if you're shaken. Someone had a similair dream and... well...


unfearful June 16 2009, 01:50:53 UTC
Really, I'm all right--this isn't the first time I've had a dream like this.


nightfestival June 16 2009, 03:03:21 UTC
If you're sure? But that doesn't mean it's okay to just leave you alone after a dream like that.

I wish I could help more...


unfearful June 16 2009, 14:01:20 UTC
... Do I even know you?


nightfestival June 16 2009, 23:52:26 UTC
I don't think so. I'm Matsuri, it's nice to meet you!


unfearful June 17 2009, 00:53:32 UTC
... Right. You too, I suppose.

I'm Dominic Sorel.


nightfestival June 17 2009, 01:10:50 UTC
I hope I'm not bothering you, Dominic.

It's just... last time I remember someone having a dream like this, they were a friend of mine. And... I don't think they're here anymore.


unfearful June 17 2009, 01:45:43 UTC
Your concern is appreciated. Still, I'm all right, for real.


nightfestival June 17 2009, 02:20:33 UTC
I guess if you say so...


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