Dream ♠ oo5

Jun 14, 2009 22:04

[Second half of the payment for the City Pass]

It's black.

That's really the only way to describe his surroundings. He's standing in an endless plane of black nothingness, a rifle--the one Colonel Khushrenada gave him, he realizes--strapped to his back. Though perhaps 'nothing' isn't the best way to describe it, as he now hears footsteps behind him. Like any soldier would, he turns around, his weapon out and poised to fire. However, when he sees who it is, he lowers his weapon in surprise.

"Renton Thurston?" he says, staring at the boy in the eye. Renton seems equally shocked to see him, as he points a finger.

"Dominic Sorel?"

Dominic lowers his weapon further, smiling slightly. He''s not ever going to admit it, but he's missed him, to some extent. Unfortunately, they'll have to catch up later. Upon hearing noises in the other direction, he whirls around again. This time, it's Coralians, in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Wasting no time, Dominic raises the rifle, while Renton tenses.

"Coralians," he says in a hushed voice. Dominic simply nods, and as one approaches, he fires. It goes down easily, but more are coming.

"Run," he tells Renton, who lets out a sound of indignation.

"I'm not ab--"

"Go!" Dominic yells, glancing over his shoulder. "You have to save Eureka, don't you? You can't do that if you're dead!"

For a few moments, Renton just stands there, before nodding and running off, albeit with some hesitation. Either way, Dominic's focus is on the Coralians again, as he takes down another one. He can still hear Renton's footsteps, which means his job isn't done here yet.

Still, they're rushing in too quickly for him. As soon as he kills one, another swoops down and knocks the gun out of his hand, its teeth rendering it beyond use. Dominic curses and reaches for his handgun that isn't there.

He's, for a lack of a better word, screwed.

Just as he looks up, a blade-shaped Coralian stabs him in the chest. Pain spreads instantly, as he tries to scream amidst his coughing, with specks of blood flying from his mouth. His vision goes dark, and he can't think coherently, except he's supposed to be dead by now. He's not sure why he know that, but he does.

Then, everything stops hurting. It's shock, he figures, and opens his eyes.

This, he believes, must be a hallucination.

Because that's the only explanation he can think of as to why Anemone would be standing in front of him, a peaceful smile on her face. She holds out her hand, and too dumbfounded to do anything else, he takes it, even though his is covered in blood.

"Idiot," she says, and immediately, Dominic thinks, But I'm your idiot, so it's all right.

His next thought is: This is a girl I'll never see again.

He grips her hand tighter, because he doesn't want to ever let go. This is someone he wants to be with forever, as cheesy as it sounds, but he knows he can't.

His hand slips out from hers--he doesn't quite know who let go, if it was him or her--and he can feel himself fall. Falling, further and further into the abyss until Anemone's just a blur in the distance.

Dominic's eyes close, as he continues to descend into blackness.


[Dominic wakes up, clutching his Dreamberry as the City Pass appears beside it.]

!drama, !romance, it's practically a fad, renton, dream, a moment of angst, !ic, anemone

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