Spice - Ryan Atwood

Dec 04, 2009 02:09

written for The OC Advent Word Challenge

Prompt 3 - Spice

Title - Spice
Author - viper209n
Fandom - The O.C.
Character(s) - Ryan Atwood

This was written at 2 a.m. Therefore, I accept all mistakes as my own.

As he falls, Ryan knocks a bowl of two day old cereal off the table. It clatters to the floor, landing beside him. His head hurts and that last punch didn’t help. Neither did slamming his head on the ceramic tile. He imagines he feels blood but tries not to think about it.

He wonders if he should act like he’s been knocked out. Maybe Dawn’s new, or old (who could tell the difference anymore?), boyfriend would stop beating him if he wouldn’t try to fight back.

But then, Ryan considers how drunk this man is. He may not stop. He may keep punching and kicking until he’s had his fill.

He’s not sure what the best plan is.

But Ryan knows he doesn’t want his last breath to inhale the overpowering scent of Old Spice deodorant, stale milk, and cheap whiskey.

So he keeps fighting. And he never stops fighting.

- oneshot, tv - the o.c., challenge - the oc word challenge, character - ryan atwood, oneshot - spice

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