Aug 11, 2007 01:38
So today Heather told me that she is going to go home. It will probably take about a month to get through court and get it ok'd for her to go.
This leaves me totally fucked not just financially, but some how I have to figure out how I'm going to take care of this house, clean my mom's house, clean this house, take care of the yard here, and the animals.
And that's not mentioning that I'm hundreds of dollars short on bill money every month.
I understand why she doesn't want to be here, but after all I did, it just hurts to think that she would just leave.
Maybe it's for the best, but the problem is, I bailed her out of jail, and I don't know if I can even sell my house with this bond on it. I may have to see if her mom will put her house up and get me out of this mess.
And I also found out that in the state of Florida, if they foreclose on your house, they can put a garnishment on your wages for the money that they lose. So that's just dandy. I am at the point in my life now where I just don't care anymore. I just want to take myself out in the back yard (if I had one) and shoot myself. Seriously, what the fuck did I do to deserve this.
It's karma I tell you. The way that Heather and I got together, breaking Melissa's heart. This is what I get.
Well I guess I should try and get some sleep. heather told me that she's going to go home and then she fell asleep. I guess there isn't anything I can do about any of this at 2 in the morning. I'll have to figure something out. A 2nd job isn't possible with all the rest of the stuff that I have to do.