ART [work safe] collaborative effort: "Shiny Ho-Oh" - Due to not having access to a vehicle, I've only been able to visit my grandpa once so far. :( He is recovering / in rehab right now.
My grandfather did not break his arm, thankfully. I know I've said that before, but I just wanted to clarify that again. It was, however, badly sprained. When I looked at his hand, it already appeared to be healing. I'm really hoping that he can come back home, but none of us are sure if that would be the safest option for him at this point. Right now I just want to be able to see him again, I miss him so much.
RCFM was a great convention. It would have been wonderful to have a nice camera (did have a so-so one, though), because the hotel was huge and gorgeous! Met so many friendly people, had a blast. Going to see if we can make it to Megaplex, since it is so close by, but we might just have to miss out this year, all things considered. We'll see.
I would do one of those "shout out" things where I mentioned everyone I met, but .. my memory is atrocious. I know for a fact I'd forget one or two folks, so I'll just be all: HAY GUYS!
Also know that there was at least one person that I somehow missed out on seeing all-together. Gah. :(
Take care all.