Confessions of a Curious Mind

Apr 16, 2008 18:29

ever since childhood i've been plagued with a curious mind. i'm not saying this is unusual. but the things i think about sometimes bother me. do other people question such things? for example, i know that a bunny can see me approaching from his right, but wouldn't it be a mind fuck for him to see something approaching out of one eye and not in the other? i guess that could explain why they scurry away so fast. but nonetheless. mind fuck.

but there have always been two things that i've pondered about for years. one being how i act in my sleep. i'm pretty positive that i don't snore or talk in my sleep, but why in the world do i end up at the foot of my bed 4 nights a week? the other being how people walk.

why is it that some people walk like neanderthals, swinging their arms with full force? i always notice the people that seem to never fully step down on their heels. isn't that uncomfortable?

and then i start to think, well how do i walk? i'm told i have a distinguishable walk. is that a good or bad thing? i know i slouch. but i start to worry when i see people walk like they have a turd sticking out of their ass. i don't walk like that, do i?

then i come to the conclusion that one day, like with sleeping, i will set up a camera to find out how i look when i walk. this may be a testament to vanity, to some. but to me it's research. like handwriting, i think walking can be altered. not to say that i don't have more important things to alter in my life... but this bothers me when i see really pretty girls with really disturbing walks. a crying shame in my book.

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