[About ten minutes after
this video, Sam's got a message going up as well. He's still working in the background and, from time to time, one might see an arm and a trenchcoat sleeve in the frame as he patches Castiel up.]
So. Hard to tell yet if this is going to be an epidemic-- [Because he hasn't seen Jill's video, of course.] --but it looks like we might be in for a spate of old wounds reopening.
You know what your lives have been like, so you'll know best whether you need to stay near a clinic or not, though I would suggest that everybody have a good, full first aid kit nearby for yourself or others.
It might be a good idea to leave the clinic as free as possible for the life-threatening injuries. I know we don't stay dead around here, but it'd be good to not have to go through that at all, right?