◆ 15 - [video]

Jan 24, 2012 21:00

[Shinjiro, like Mitsuru and Akihiko, prefers to keep tabs on the members of SEES as well as those who are close to them or decent enough that he gives a damn for their safety. Especially after something like this, with people disappearing and getting tortured again. Doing it in their style is kind of weird, though. It seems effective though, so he's giving it a try. That and he can't be watching everyone everywhere.

The teen is sitting in the lounge of the dormitory on one of the couches, missing his favorite pea coat but still sporting that dingy black beanie of his.]

So. [A pause. He frowns.]

We...all accounted for? Nobody's still missing and shit?

Iori. Arisato. Minako. Better be hearin' from all of you.

!persona 3: shinjiro aragaki, persona 3: junpei iori, persona 3: minako arisato

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