011 || Video

Jul 08, 2011 15:07

[ When the video feed comes on Jack is visible in an otherwise dark room - the light from the tablet screen illuminating her face and casting dark shadows on her features, making the colorful collection of cuts, bruises and the busted lip that have popped up over night seem probably a lot more spooky than they should. ] Just when energy pills would ( Read more... )

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Comments 24

video | private casaeroticafan July 8 2011, 20:22:42 UTC
Whatever it is you're seeing? It isn't what you think it is. [He's been trolling the network, he's starting to get an idea of what this whole thing's about.]

Come find me if you'd like to get touched by an angel. [Sarcasm, but he's contacting you which means he's taken some sort of interest in your existence.] I've got bless-ed hands and whole lot of whatever you need, kid.


video | private hellodeadpeople July 9 2011, 07:19:52 UTC
I sure as hell hope not, because if that's the case I'm severely fucked. [ All this said while she attaches her tablet somewhere at her waist so she can use her good hand to pick up her pistol. This is mostly audio and jumbled video now.

And a snort. She appreciates the humor. Makes for good coping right now. ] Hey man, you better hold off on the touching until I've at least got all my bones back in their proper places. And, shit, buy a girl a drink first, would you? I'm easy but not that easy.

[ And then she moving towards the door, doing that jerky tactical walk while she sweeps the loft, looking for that thing she saw. She takes on a serious tone. ] On my way.


video | private casaeroticafan July 9 2011, 19:31:03 UTC
You're probably severely fucked anyway, hot stuff.

[Were she looking at the screen, she'd see his lips tip up in a smile that's greatly amused and just a tad suggestive.] Bless-ed hands - they give sexual healing a more literal definition. [He gives a low, pleased-with-himself chuckle.] And I think I can do a little better than buying you a drink. How's a whole liquor store sound?

[He'll just continue the semi-flirtatious banter until you arrive.]


video | private hellodeadpeople July 10 2011, 01:04:24 UTC
[ She laughs (though quiet because zombie abomination stalking her), then bursts through the door and you can probably here her conversation with Jayne going on while they run. ] Keep talking, handsome, nothing like trying to get into a girl's pants while she's hobbling away from abject horror.

A liquor store sounds like fucking heaven right now, not gonna lie, but I think my false sense of security would appreciate a hefty ammo supply more right now.

[ She pauses for a second and you might overhear her talk with Harvey Dent as well. ] Mind if I bring some friends along?


|Video? Pfft. All action| loves_vera July 9 2011, 01:17:36 UTC
[Jayne doesn't bother with responding to the message. He'd had a hell of a good time getting utterly hammered with Jack, and if he could pay attention to someone else, maybe he could stop thinking about his own nightmares for more than a minute.

[So with Vera slung on his back, Jayne makes for Jack's place and hammers on the door with his fist.]

Open the gorram door, Jack. I'll kick your ass if you're asleep already.


|Action| Lmao Jayne XD <3 Jack is actually heading to All Power Gabriel's place so- hellodeadpeople July 9 2011, 07:27:53 UTC
[[ooc; -So wanna come along? :O ]]

[ The door whips open almost immediately after he finishes knocking and very uncharacteristically panicked looking Jack is running out, shoving him away from the door before she slams it shut, not even bothering to lock, just grabs him by the shirt and starts booking it. ]

You think you could yell any fucking louder, I don't think the undead abomination with the fucking rocket soldered into its shoulder heard you.

[ FYI, the boogeyman she's running from? This thing. ]


loves_vera July 9 2011, 23:19:37 UTC

[Jayne doesn't even question her alarm. He'd been dodging dreams of Reavers and Alliance prisons for the past two days. The bruises had faded, but his own dread hadn't. Instead he unslings Vera and pushes her on ahead, looking to cover their escape from.. whatever it was.]

Go. I'm followin.


hellodeadpeople July 10 2011, 01:12:29 UTC
[[ooc; Going to pick up Harvey as well, it looks like :'D Or at least have a run-in.]]

[She's hauling ass, srs biz face firmly in place, scanning the residential area streets as she goes.]

Looks like we're gonna be forming a convoy, here. You cool with playing nice with others for a while?


Audio; asecondchoice July 9 2011, 04:37:44 UTC
[He's had his share of nightmares too... it's obvious that he's going through them now as his voice is a bit antsy.]

It seems that violence is the answer, more often than it's not.

[A pause.] Maybe we can help each other.


Audio; hellodeadpeople July 9 2011, 07:32:04 UTC
[ There's a lot of movement going on seeing as the tablet's strapped to her waist while she haul's ass, dragging Jayne behind her. ]

I've got a posse headed to the milkshake spawning genie's house if you want. Figured a never ending supply of ammo would be the most comforting thing right now.

Want the convoy to stop by for you?


Audio; asecondchoice July 9 2011, 15:53:22 UTC
...Where can I meet you?


Audio; hellodeadpeople July 10 2011, 01:17:26 UTC
His building is here. [ Have some handwaved sending of a map or some shit. ] Meet us where the apartment complexes start. Look for the hulk with the big gun and the chick whose bleeding all over the place.

[[ooc; we made a log for this business over here, if that's cool with you, bb~ ]]


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