011 || Video

Jul 08, 2011 15:07

[ When the video feed comes on Jack is visible in an otherwise dark room - the light from the tablet screen illuminating her face and casting dark shadows on her features, making the colorful collection of cuts, bruises and the busted lip that have popped up over night seem probably a lot more spooky than they should. ] Just when energy pills would've been useful the market's all out of stock. What a fucking coincidence, right?

[ She's moving around, wincing a little with her steps, the tablet jolting as she reaches out with the hand holding it to flip at a lightswitch to no avail. The other arm is just hanging limply at her side, something seemingly defective about it. ]

And if it wasn't enough that my death match nightmares have been giving me bruises and dislocated shoulders in real life the power had to blow just for the extra creep expense. Yeah, thanks, Hades, good to know you've got a solid appreciation for setting the mood.

So, if anyone's around that'd like to help me pop my arm back into it's socket or come punch me in the face if I start nodding off, that'd be awesome. I'm not really looking forward to the 'brain surgery' nightmare that I'm sure's next on the list.

[ She's about to cut the feed when something catches her attention - head snapping to the side, eyes narrowed to peer into the shadows. ]

...the fuck? [ She must have caught sight of it again because the narrowed eyes go wide and there is something very distinctly, and very unchararistically, like fear that sneaks into her expression. ] No... You gotta be fucking kidding me! Shit! Shitshitshitshitshitshit!
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