006 [Accidental Video]

May 20, 2011 00:00

[The device turns on. It's maybe twenty feet away from her in a spot that from your angle appears to be cleared of plants. She's hacking away in the middle of the residential area, all the while muttering and sometimes shouting curses. For some reason she seems to be wearing legitimate clothing: a shirt and a pair of pants, both too large for her. After a few minutes of this she stops, both blades raised. A wheel appears in front of her, sparking with electricity. It explodes into a sphere that rockets forward, uprooting plants as it rips across the street. She's grinning as she turns around to the direction of the tablet, but it's immediately wiped off her face.]

You're shitting me...

[She drops to her knees, and you can see what looks like a tiny, brand new leaf beginning to creep across the device's screen.]

marvel: laura kinney, dragon age origins: zevran arainai

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