(03) Third Report [>>Video]

May 19, 2011 22:30

[Because it's what she does, Jill's been doing her homework. Her feed shows her with her back against the side of a brick building, the glances she gives to either side frequent and alert. Out of habit, she delivers her findings in report format, her voice cool and collected despite the subject matter.]

The plants appearing around the city -- from what I can determine, they don't seem to be connected to a single source. They're individual parasites.

I say parasites because I'm not sure what else to call them. [Here, she doesn't care about how crazy she sounds; weirder things have come out of her mouth.] If anyone else has been hearing the voices, I think the plants are the source. Considering how quickly they appeared, it matches the timing. Getting away from them isn't easy, but the more distance I put between them and me, the harder it is to hear them.

If I'm right, it must be some kind of... illusion. Given all the feeds I've been seeing, I'm not the only one -- and if it's like my case, you'll be hearing the voices of people you know. [Her eyes become momentarily fixed on the screen, and a touch of something personal works into her professional tone.] Listen -- it's not. Them. It might be hard to handle, but it's no different than the memories we were trapped in. Don't listen to them.

[She looks away again.] This thing's too widespread to handle easily. If anyone has a specialty with herbicides or a way to set them on fire without burning the entire city down, I'm listening.

wildcats: priscilla kitaen [voodoo], !resident evil: jill valentine

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