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Entrance/Entrance Hall godsoftartarus November 5 2011, 05:29:41 UTC
[This includes both meetings outside the Castle and in the Central Foyer.]


Starwind | Entrance | Open adeptible November 5 2011, 07:15:05 UTC
[Even with the mask, it's still incredibly obvious who this figure is, dressed in dark blue with his feathered mask to match. He's even replaced all of the feathers that are usually woven into his long silver hair with blue ones.

But, as big as this place is, the walls still make him nervous, so he pauses for a few last breaths of air, taking his sweet time about it in the entranceway to the castle.]


staynoble November 5 2011, 08:09:50 UTC
[Utena's standing not too far from the entrance, watching the rest of the masquerade happening as she takes a sip from her glass of water. Big, grand parties like these just isn't her thing, but she had hoped to know a little bit more about the Underworld. So far, it feels like any other party Nanami would have.

She didn't take the opportunity to shop for a suit (yes, a suit) and decided on going in with her school uniform instead, which is more or less formal looking enough. She does have a white rose boutonniere and a simple black feathered mask though.]


adeptible November 5 2011, 08:15:52 UTC
[Why hello there, Utena. That outfit looks funny.]

Are you enjoying yourself, ke'chara?


staynoble November 5 2011, 08:38:45 UTC
[It's a legit school uniform and doesn't go against the rules! /haters gonna hate C8]

Ah, Starwind! [She waves before going over to him.] Wow, you look great. [Also pretty. And Utena, the honest kid she is:] Mmm, these sorts of parties aren't really my thing, but the castle looks really nice. I'm wondering if something else is happening tonight. [She has her sword tucked in its belt too, juuust in case.]


adeptible November 5 2011, 08:40:33 UTC
I do not know. [Which is entirely honest.] Though, I would not put it beyond our "hosts" to use tonight for their own purposes.


staynoble November 7 2011, 03:58:54 UTC
[She gives a thoughtful hum as she takes another sip.]

In any case, are you by yourself? Where's Zevran?


adeptible November 7 2011, 04:20:40 UTC
He is coming, I think. It may be better that we did not attempt to arrive together. [What is shame]


Loki | Outside the Castle | Misaki, Ruka; open atalentedliar November 5 2011, 17:38:16 UTC
[Although this wasn't particularly the kind of event Loki would normally enjoy, he had made the efforts necessary to attend. He was in his usual dress robes, with a horned mask covering part of his face. Despite the weight, the mask stayed perfectly as it should; it was more magic than fabric. He glanced beside him to Ruka, confident that things with her were going as he hoped and intended.

As they came within sight of the entrance, he paused, resting a hand on Ruka's arm to encourage her to stop with him.]

Are you ready?


flowingsong November 5 2011, 18:41:42 UTC
[She glanced at him, clearly nervous, fingering the silken fabric of the autumn kimono she wore. Ruka had never attended an event this elaborate before, and, as she watched others move past and into the castle, she felt out of place.]

I think so. [This could be fun, enjoyable, even, if she let it be.]


atalentedliar November 6 2011, 21:57:36 UTC
Do not be nervous. [He offered.] You are a vision and have nothing to fear.

[Loki's eyes wandered around the many other approaching guests, but he did not see the few he might be interested in before his eyes returned to Ruka.]


flowingsong November 7 2011, 20:15:12 UTC
[Ruka dipped her head to hide her pink cheeks, and felt grateful that the mask (though increasingly uncomfortable) was there to help aid her.] I... [She lifted her head, and smiled--warm and sincere.] Thank you, Loki.

[She glanced at the entrance, took in a deep breathe and let it out slowly to help calm her butterfly filled stomach.] I hope I can recognize everyone.


atalentedliar November 8 2011, 02:53:25 UTC
[He maintained his smile for her sake.]

Of course. I suspect there is only one way to know for certain.. [It was his way of gently encouraging her to continue inside. He had insisted upon escorting her to the castle, but now that they were here, there was no reason for the two of them to continue in each others' company.]


flowingsong November 9 2011, 15:27:10 UTC
[Ruka gave a courteous bow, understanding his encouragement, before heading on in.]


Loki | Outside the Castle | Misaki godlessblossom November 7 2011, 06:19:31 UTC
[After spending most of her evening hidden from the party goers, or attempting to hide rather, Misaki had gone outside to see who had yet to arrive. She had just barely exited the castle when she noticed Loki by himself.]

Good evening, Loki. Did I just miss Ruka?


Loki | Outside the Castle | Misaki atalentedliar November 8 2011, 02:50:51 UTC
[Loki lifted an eyebrow as Misaki's voice caught his attentions, turning to look at her. He was surprised at how she was dressed; perhaps that she had even dressed up at all.]

"By more than a moment. Rest assured, she is inside and well."


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