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Comments 1221

Entrance/Entrance Hall godsoftartarus November 5 2011, 05:29:41 UTC
[This includes both meetings outside the Castle and in the Central Foyer.]


Starwind | Entrance | Open adeptible November 5 2011, 07:15:05 UTC
[Even with the mask, it's still incredibly obvious who this figure is, dressed in dark blue with his feathered mask to match. He's even replaced all of the feathers that are usually woven into his long silver hair with blue ones.

But, as big as this place is, the walls still make him nervous, so he pauses for a few last breaths of air, taking his sweet time about it in the entranceway to the castle.]


staynoble November 5 2011, 08:09:50 UTC
[Utena's standing not too far from the entrance, watching the rest of the masquerade happening as she takes a sip from her glass of water. Big, grand parties like these just isn't her thing, but she had hoped to know a little bit more about the Underworld. So far, it feels like any other party Nanami would have.

She didn't take the opportunity to shop for a suit (yes, a suit) and decided on going in with her school uniform instead, which is more or less formal looking enough. She does have a white rose boutonniere and a simple black feathered mask though.]


adeptible November 5 2011, 08:15:52 UTC
[Why hello there, Utena. That outfit looks funny.]

Are you enjoying yourself, ke'chara?


Ballroom;;Main Floor godsoftartarus November 5 2011, 05:31:21 UTC
[This includes the main floor of the Ballroom: Eating, dancing, mingling with multiple people, etc.]


Junpei | Ball room | Open! tereteindahouse November 5 2011, 06:43:26 UTC
[The first thing Junpei does when he arrives is look around, his mouth slightly open as he walks around the main room in awe. He fixes the top hat he bought with the mask and that is when the stretch of food catches his eye... He's officially found Minato's heaven.]

Oh man, I hit the motherload!

[He rushes to the table and starts making up a plate, picking out a little bit of everything]

Okay, now this, this is awesome. Thank youuuu, Hecate and Persephone.


HAI JUNPEI. NOW WITH LESS CODEFAIL yearrounder November 5 2011, 07:03:43 UTC
[Annabeth finds this far too hilarious to ignore. She's wearing her first dress that she wore at the last one of these parties she went to, and a mask to match. She only looks a little uncomfortable, but mostly laughs at Junpei.]

Really? That's what you're concerned about?


tereteindahouse November 5 2011, 07:11:03 UTC
Dude, I've been living on rice and sandwiches the last couple of weeks. Come on Annabeth, give me a bre-

[He cuts off as he turns, his eyes going wide as he looks her over.]

Wow. Uh, you look nice.

[Suddenly he realises.... All of the hot chicks in the Underworld will be at this party in cute or sexy dresses. Oh man, this night is going to last forever.]


Courtyard godsoftartarus November 5 2011, 05:32:13 UTC
[The main area of the Courtyard including the fountain.]


Misaki | Open godlessblossom November 5 2011, 07:06:01 UTC
[As soon as Misaki arrives, wearing a little black dress and mask, the first thing she does is search the area for sight of Persephone. Unfortunately, as much as she wandered around the ballroom and searched, she could not seem to see either of the goddesses and eventually she had no choice but to give up.

Instead she makes her way out to the courtyard in order to avoid most of the company who are sure to arrive shortly and sits down by the fountain, her head tilting up to look at the moonlight. Something with such horrible connotations and yet, mixed with the drifting melodies from inside, it is soothing enough to bring a relaxed, very faint smile to her lips.]


For serious. avaerieal November 5 2011, 07:39:40 UTC
[Aerie is still adjusting to the constant claustrophobia of being trapped in a cave. And the imposing building isn't making it any easier. So she's tried stepping into the courtyard, not exactly sneakily as she is dressed in vibrant red and her mask doesn't hide much of the tattoos on her face.

She hadn't been expecting to find anyone else (which was silly, if she thought about it), and her surprise came out in the same naive little comment she'd given to Jaheira once a long time ago.]

Oh! You're so pretty!


godlessblossom November 5 2011, 16:36:19 UTC
[That comment took her by surprise. She lowers her head to regard the newcomer, the smile quickly fading away. Well, it could have been worse. At least this is one of the few people she can tolerate hearing on the network. Misaki inclines her head in greeting.]

Thank you. Did the ballroom become too much?


Balconies godsoftartarus November 5 2011, 05:33:04 UTC
[Thread here for either the balcony overlooking the Ballroom or the enchanted balcony above the Courtyard.]


Minako | Enchanted Balcony | Open xxii_thefool November 5 2011, 14:36:08 UTC
[Minako had no particular purpose in mind when she wandered up the staircase to the balcony overlooking the Labyrinth, but once she's there, she stands transfixed looking up at the sky - delighted, at first, but it doesn't take long for that looming full moon to draw her eye, and when it does her expression behind the mask she chose to match her dress quickly turns somber. A full moon hasn't meant anything good in quite a while, and unconsciously she wraps her arms around herself against a breath of a chill that has nothing to do with the weather.]


flowingsong November 5 2011, 18:48:27 UTC
If only it were real. [For Ruka, the moon was the most important part of her culture, and seeing it was enough to leave her with a sense of calm despite it being just an illusion. She leans against the balcony, adjusting her ornate mask, to stare up at the sky.]


xxii_thefool November 5 2011, 22:30:39 UTC
[Minako glances over, distracted from her unease by the sound of another's voice, and she peers uncertainly through the faint light for a moment before brightening in recognition and admiration.]

Is that Ruka? You look wonderful.


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