tobestronger and
hierophantmoonWhat; Aki decides he and Shinji need to talk. Maybe it'll actually work this time.
Where; Shinjiro's room in the dorm
When; Just after
thisRating; PG-13 for, well, both of their mouths
Status; Closed;;Ongoing
Two years of trying to talk to Shinjiro about what had happened, two years of being brushed aside, two years of never giving up on a friend, no a brother, who'd seemed to have given up on himself; it had all culminated on that day, October 4th, a morbid anniversary. It always seemed that things were happening around him and Akihiko was perpetually tryi8ng to catch up. Miki's death, the discovery of his Persona, meeting Mitsuru, his recruitment into SEES, Shinji's joining, their team, Ken's mother's death, Shinji's leaving, the new recruits, the discovery of the full moon arcana, exploring Tartarus, Ken joining, Shinji returning, and that night, coming here, everything that had happened in this place, all of it swirled around in his mind nearly constantly, and he didn't think he'd ever be able to make sense of it all.
He talked to Shinji a lot after he slipped into the coma doctors said he'd never wake from, he'd told him about what they were doing, about Ken, about everything but he could tell from Shinji's reactions to Jack's questioning that he hadn't heard, or maybe he just didn't remember. Either way, they needed to talk, he needed to know, he deserved to know that Ken knew what Shinjiro had done for him, that Ken knew Shinji wasn't a bad person, that he forgave him.
He was at Shinji's door in just a moment. And he knocked. If Shinjiro didn't answer, he would just let himself in.