Who; Harry Dresden
hellsbellsharry , Misaki Asou
godlessblossom , Also open to any employees of Strife Delivery Service.
What; Harry goes in for his first day of work.
Where; Strife Delivery Service HQ
When; Backdated to Tuesday morning-ish. 10 am onwards it's open to anyone else.
Rating; G.
Status; Open, ongoing.
As mornings go in Hell, this one wasn't so bad. Still limping a little, Harry, sans staff, plus cane he picked up in the market (it came with a surprise. It was a surprise cane), walked leisurely towards his new place of employment. A delivery service... Hells Bells... But it was employment, it got him paid and it gave him the chance to do something other than tinker with his alarm system and raid the Library.
So there he was, up, awake and neat-ish for once... even if he was still wearing his leather duster.
Reaching the storefront on time, Harry paused a moment, and looked back the way he came. The streets were lively, something he'd never expect for the Underworld. So far this place had defied all his expectations except one. There were still good people getting hurt by bullies. He didn't like that.
Stamping down on his sudden anger, Harry turned and knocked on the door sharply with his cane.
All in good time, but for now, the little things he could do on his own.