It's Coalition

Jul 21, 2011 09:01

Who; Minako and the rest of the team assembled in response to this, plus Mitsuru.
What; Rescue mission!
Where; The Labyrinth and Carnival.
When; Tuesday, during the mist-free hour between 7 and 8 pm.
Rating; PG-13, tentatively, for violence and presumably language.
Status; Ongoing; closed.

The blade of Minako's naginata split a Shadow's mask with a sharp crack, and the creature quickly dissolved into a blob of vanishing darkness. Straightening, she drew in a deep breath and looked around her at her teammates, reassuring herself that they were all still nearby.

The air clearing just after they'd reached the Labyrinth had made their progress through it much faster, and without the mist obscuring everything and forcing her to go one step at a time and use her weapon as a blind man's cane, the process of making her way methodically through the twists and turns of the maze was enough like Tartarus to let Minako slip easily back into a rhythm she hadn't yet really had time to lose. Still, she felt hyperconscious of the clock ticking down. The mist might very well come rolling back in soon, and Mitsuru didn't have much time. Minako had to rein in the urge to break into a run, keeping herself at a brisk and purposeful walk; charging ahead blindly wouldn't get them there any faster.

"Everybody all right?" she asked her friends, looking around them to make sure nobody needed healing before they moved on.

persona 3: shinjiro aragaki, persona 3: minako arisato

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