All is lost again, but I'm not giving in.

Jul 21, 2011 00:27

Who; wutaiwarhero, to_rebel, hellsbellsharry, and eventually voodooing
What; It's time to rescue the stripper princess.
Where; Starting at the fountain at the Center of the Market
When; Wednesday, just after 11am
Rating; PG-13 (violence and random Ass-Kickery)
Status; Closed;;Ongoing

Memories of the last abduction mingled in Sephiroth's mind with the current situation, put a quickness into his step as he made his way to their designated meeting place. Priscilla had been taken once. That had been more than enough. And now, to watch her suffer again, to watch both of his friends suffer again...he couldn't tolerate it. Unlike many in similar situations, hosever, he didn't despair. He would organize a rescue for whom he could, and would do all he might to save them, and trust the other groups forming would do the same.

He worried for Mitsuru, but their sources were too scattered, too emotionally involved to afford any stalwart offensive. Not only that, but as he'd said to Annabeth, the labyrinth's very construction rendered a group offensive nearly impossible. No, their small group, he, Castiel, and Mr. Dresden, would more effeciently serve its purpose.

And so, he arrived at the fountain, five minutes early as he normally did, Masamune at the ready, with a good mix of defensive and offensive materia at his disposal.

wildcats: priscilla kitaen [voodoo], supernatural: castiel

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