It's a beautiful day for a stroll.

Jun 28, 2011 13:38

Who; Mal and open
What; Mal doesn't know that he'll be compelled to follow any order given to him. That's why he chose today to peruse the Marketplace.
Where; Market (Perhaps eventually moving to drown all sorrows at the Roadhouse)
When; Tuesday afternoon
Rating; PG-13, language in all probability.
Status; Ongoing and so, so, so open.

[[note; prose or bracket spam is good by me]]

[It's a beautiful day for snooping around the Marketplace. Or, well... It's a day just like any other in the Underworld, minus monsters trying eat one's head or plants taking over or any number of other cursed things trying to make life miserable. It qualifies as a beautiful day, in Mal's book, when nothing's trying to kill him.]

[So today will find him all over the Market, poking through various shops and haggling with shopkeeps. There's a bag slung over his shoulder, filled with both necessities and oddities. Perhaps he's threading through the crowd and just missed you -- or didn't, for that matter. Perhaps he's at the same stall, complaining about the price of vegetables. Whatever he's doing, he's starting the day in a fairly good mood.]

[As good as his mood gets in the Underworld, at any rate.]

the dresden files: thomas raith, firefly: mal reynolds, percy jackson: annabeth chase

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