Yes, I have done wrong;

Apr 20, 2011 21:23

Who: Castiel and Sephiroth
What: Castiel's still trying to make amends.
Where: Sephiroth's place
When: April 20
Rating: PG idk
Status: Ongoing

Speaking with a select few people after he'd returned from the cave had impressed to Castiel that he had inadvertently worried a good many denizens of the Underworld. It was an unfortunate -- a very unfortunate and (moronically) unforeseen -- side effect of his sojourn into the cave and he was still trying to mend fences.

There were still a few people he needed to check in with, Sephiroth chief among them after he'd dealt with the Winchester/Singer/Harvelle/Milton clan. The general's presence was easy to read, bright and powerful and unmoving. That helped. Though still weary, a quick flight didn't drain resources. In truth, he was mentally far more than physically worn.

He took care -- and this didn't happen often -- not to appear too close to Sephiroth when he landed in the room with a soft whump of displaced air and wingbeats. He said no words in greeting; merely waited for the reaction.

He'd already been yelled at and lectured more than once. Might as well get this over with.

supernatural: castiel

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