They're called Sharktopi

Mar 15, 2011 12:19

Who; Everyone
What; Sharktopus Invasion
Where; Everywhere
When; March 15th - 18th
Rating; PG13 and up (Violence)

In the dead of night, as the 14th bleeds into the 15th, smaller versions of the creatures who have stolen your friends begin to pour from the rivers surrounding the island that has become your new home underground. There is no hiding their numbers, why there must be thousands of them! Don't be fooled by the pack in front of you, though. There may be others, hiding in those shadows down that alley, or crawling beneath fallen rubble. It seems they can fit places they shouldn't...just like an octopus.

But Octopi don't have such nashing teeth, and you don't usually have to ask yourself, "Are they smarter than me?" Only a few things are certain: they're everywhere, they're hungry, they're angry, and they're after you.


  • Feel free to NPC packs of the Mini Sharktopi (or Sharktopinis if you will) as you'd like!
  • Please include the location, time of day, and whether the thread is open or not in your subject, for example: Docks | Morning | Open
  • Either prose or bracket action is fine.
  • The city is now full of smaller sharktopi, there are literally thousands of them and with each pack you kill, another will pop up.
  • They're capable of deductive reasoning, they will employ tactics to bring you down and will work to outsmart you.
  • Groups will consist of anywhere from 10 - 30, and they retaliate should one of their number be killed.
  • They are a little harder to kill than your average shark or octopus (think more than two headshots with a gun).
  • They aren't acting simply as pack hunters, and will not easily relent when met with opposition.
  • Please feel free to forward date, back date, or whatever date anything!
  • Have so much freakin' fun with this!!

fatal frame iv: misaki asou, wildcats: priscilla kitaen [voodoo], supernatural: castiel, supernatural: dean winchester, percy jackson: annabeth chase

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