Dear Seattle,

Feb 01, 2006 01:12

The Seahawks getting to the Super Bowel really isn't that important. In fact, it's pretty much a moot point. People will forget about this next year.

On a completely different note, has provided me with one of the most wonderful pieces of Internet gold since that picture of Lizzie getting freaky with her harp on Myspace:


The time schedule for next quarter is up. This means that I will do less than no homework between now and registration day; I'll be too consumed with the process of selecting classes. For now, my projected Spring Quarter 2006 should be:

PHYS 122 (5): Electromagnetism and Oscillatory Motion.
ESS 210 (5, W): Physical Geology
OCEAN 220 (3, W): Introduction to Field Oceanography
GENOME 371 (5): Foundations in Genetics.

Those last two are going to be the most important of my four classes. OCEAN 220 is required for my oceanography major and lets me go to honkin' awesome Friday Harbor Labs (again!) over spring break, and GENOME 371 is required for my biology major. Now, GENOME 371 is offered every quarter, but since the lecturers rotate, I want to have a lecturer whom I know is good. Next quarter is Mandy Schivell's time to shine, and she taught my BIOL 200 class. I loved her to pieces and was excited to go to lecture every day. I think it'll take another person like her to get me ready to go to a class that meets for a two-hour lecture thrice a week. Might as well pounce whilst I can.

Granted, PHYS 122 and ESS 210 are both required for an oceanography degree (and PHYS 122 is required for a biology degree as well), but I have no particular reason to take those NEXT QUARTER other than the fact that it's awfully convenient to do so. I'm strongly considering the idea of throwing in an advanced biology elective or another 300-level biology foundations course for next quarter in place of PHYS 122. Just weighing my options (Electromagnetism and Oscillatory Motion or Plant Ecology?) really favors the advanced biology elective option over another PHYS class.

[insert auto-advisor here]
A magic 8-ball might suffice, too.
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