1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose. If you want, you can talk about your icons in the comment to this post rather than make a separate one of your own.
OPTIONAL: 3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
OPTIONAL: 4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!
Rose, from Lost, who is probably the most awesome recurring character. Manages to be really down-to-earth and something of a spiritual guide for the other survivors at the same time. She winds up living in the jungle with her husband Bernard away from all the drama that the main Losties go through. The caption refers to a point during the finale (and I'm trying to phrase this with minimal spoilers) where she and her husband take in Desmond but basically tell him that after breakfast he has to leave because they don't want to be involved. It's new, haven't used it yet, but... ♥ Rose.
Quote from Portal. Level... fuck, I don't remember. But the full line is something like "The Enrichment Center will always seek to provide a safe testing environment. When the Enrichment Center cannot provide a safe testing environment, helpful advice will be provided. For example: the floor here will kill you. Try to avoid it." It is one of my go-to rant icons, because some of the kinds of people I rant about ought to be subjected to GLaDOS. Although I think I developed Stockholm Syndrome for her over the course of the game.
Another Portal icon, one of the little turrets. Those things were cute. And they scared the everliving bejeezuz out of me. Partially because they were so cute. They would seek you out with their little motion sensors and whisper in these child-like voices, "Who's there? I see you..." The quote for the icon's keyword, "Give me a hug", is actually a Simpsons reference.
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And my third Portal icon, depicting GLaDOS' Curiosity Core from the final boss battle, as it were. That thing was disgustingly cute and pretty much one of the reasons I wound up in love with GLaDOS. I mean, listen to it:
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An image from the Futurama episode "The Birdbot of Ice-Catraz", in which Bender reboots to believe himself to be a penguin. It's the final gag from the episode, in which Leela states confidently that nature will set itself right... and then two penguins take up a couple of the guns left behind and point them at each other. I actually haven't seen the episode in a while... I need more Futurama DVDs.
Still sick as death. Seeing a doctor soon.