So you know how when you're entering a title for a post it gives you a list of auto-complete suggestions? Yeah, I was typing "surprise" into a post title somewhere and it suggested for auto-complete... "Puppy Surprise".
And now:
1. I'm wondering when the hell I made a post about Puppy Surprise anywhere.
So I'm going to make a stupid rambly post about some of my favorite childhood toys.
So... Puppy Surprise was a pretty fucking confusing toy as a child, considering you rend the litter out of the mother doggie's gut:
I'm kind of impressed that despite this I put together the basic concept of birth at a rather young age, despite the fact that I never got The Talk. I can probably thank a near total lack of parental guidance. Maybe that's the real surprise of Puppy Surprise: that it didn't warp me.
Anyway, I had this one:
And I "mated" her to my Wishbone plush, and so also ascribed the seven tiny plush Jack Russells I had to them, ultimately leading to just a daunting amount of puppies. I was weirdly insistent about my stuffed animals having families and healthy social lives.
Is it too soon to be nostalgic about Beanie Babies yet? No, I don't think so. I mean, I think Beanie Babies kind of died when I was on my way into middle school. Nowadays they're kind of lacking in what was, at the time, a rather distinctive style; they have TY-endorsed Beanies of various cartoon characters, which never happened when I was growing up; and further more, they practically don't have beans in them anymore.
Fuck this.
Have you touched one lately? They've become at least, like, half plush. Which is bullshit. Beanie Babies. They're supposed to be stuffed with the little plastic pellets, that's how they got they name.
What happened to this?
Incidentally, I had, like, 10-11 of the pictured beanies. The white bear in the middle was my first, although technically he was a Christmas present for my stuffed lion. That's another story.
Personally, I blame choking hazards. Someone probably wasn't watching their kid, the toy got a hole, the kid decided to eat the things, and WHAM. Ruined everything.
Speaking of shit ruined by choking hazards:
THESE ARE POLLY POCKETS. Her whole world was designed to fit in your pocket. I had a billion of them. I was always careful to make sure the little dolls stayed with their compacts.
Now she's like a glorified mini-Barbie:
And pretty much the same has befallen the Littlest Pet Shop toys.
These are all ones I had.
And I'm wondering at what point along the line they started getting fugly:
That's so over-the-top saccharine I think I could puke. They were cute before, damn it. And they at least almost looked like real animals. EDIT: AND OH MY GOD I just realized how racist that kitty there is.
...I didn't mean for that to get as ranty as it did.
Also, am I, like, the only person who wishes Pogs still existed? They're like designer tiddly winks...