001-009 Brie Bella 010-018 Gail Kim 019-023 Kelly Kelly 024-031 Lillian Garcia 032-047 Mickie James 048-050 Maryse 051-060 Maria Kanellis 061-065 The Hart Dynasty 066-075 Natalya 076-091 CM Punk 092-095 Evan Bourne 096-123 Summerslam (World Heavyweight + Degeneration X)
Whoohoo!!! I'm back. Couldn't stay away from LJ to long. Well, made some icons. Hope you like them.
T h e I c o n s . Ayumi Hamasaki x13 Trace Memory x4 Harry Potter Cast x20 ---(Emma Watson x7) ---(Bonnie Wright x13) WWE x27 ---(Divas x20) ---(Superstars x7) Stardust x19 Misc. x4
B a n n e r s . WWE x1 Ayumi Hamasaki x1 Stardust x2
Okay, Im super sad right now. Matt Hardy lost the ECW title to Jack Swagger! Its seriously depressing. Worst part was that I was really sick that day and I thought that if Matt won it might make me feel better but when he lost I almost cried.