12th National Haunt & Attractions Tradeshow & Convention is coming up at the end of the month. I'm going to start going since it seems like a great way to get to know people and companies in the industry, and in particular make contact with groups who might be interested in using my music for various things. It would also undoubtedly be a lot of fun. I've been swaying back and forth between going this year or not; I know I'm going next year.
Here's my thinking:
Plus: I'd be able to learn more about the sorts of things they're looking for, likes and dislikes, industry standards and whatnot, allowing me to put together a very specifically tailored demo CD for 2008.
Minus: All I have to show people right now is a business card and a web site; a musician without music makes a weak first impression. I'll have more songs recorded by then, but I don't know if they'll be demo quality (or, for some of them, in the right genre). Expenses aren't too bad since Chicago isn't too far, but it's still a chunk of change for airfare, hotel, taxi, food, etc.
Plus: With a professionally produced demo/CD to hand out I'd expect to make a much stronger impression. I'll have more performance experience to point to, if this year goes according to plan.
Minus: It's a whole 'nother year.
What to do, what to do...
Poll Horrific Dilemma