Nov 01, 2007 15:34
Am I too old to go to College? Could I still get a Bachalors degree? I would love to be a social worker. I want to be a foster care social worker and help families. I wonder if an online university's degree would work? So many questions. Where do I go for the answers? I tried calling some of the offices of Lane Community College to see if they could help me with the search for those answers, but all I got was recordings. I think that tomorrow I am going to have to call and stay on the phone trying until I get a live person to help me. I wonder if I can get help to pay for it from some source. Maybe workers rehabilitation or something. I have had issues with my hand at work, and have been holding back for fear of not having an income, but maybe I should get out before I destroy my hands and see if I can find help. Help to pay my way through school. I am sure that I could shorten the time. I could get a four year degree in three years. No doubt about it at all. In the meantime perhaps look into some kind of work that I could do to still make some money but allow me the freedom to attend school. It sure would have been easier if Dianna had not screwed up her life and everyone elses. Somedays I just HATE her. What a strong word, but how can I not. I mean I look at this beautiful little boy and fear for him. Sure he is safe in our home and we will do our best for him, but I fear that he may wind up having health issues because of her stupidity. I am so worried he could be autistic or have learning disabilities. I love Gabriel and would never want him to be anywhere but with me. It just takes some readjusting. It is because of this darling that I want to be a social worker. Also, I have been hearing about many peple who have had issues. I want to help. I want to make a difference in the lives of children. I need to do something to earn a living and it would sure be better if I could do something that would improve our slice of the world in some way as well as pay well. I am not sure exactly what they make. Hmm, maybe I better find that out before I through myself into this. It would suck to find out that you bring home three hundred a week after taxes or something. I wish I would have thought of this way back when I was younger. I feel like I may be too old to start over. That has been holding me back in lots of areas of my life. I just feel ancient.
Work starts again next Monday. I am looking forward, and yet not, to going back to work. I would not mind getting unemployment for a longer time. Maybe they could lay me off for a month. I will get over 250 a week, but they are keeping the first week of course, so for these two weeks that is all I will get. They told me that my check will come into the mail, but that they will also be sending me a card. Something like a visa I am sure, and that when I get it again, as they are so sure with me working at Country Coach that it will happen again, it will be electronically put onto the card each time. I would not mind at all getting to stay home and still make a grand a month.