Tina has out done herself this time.

Jun 07, 2007 04:05

I have had it with Tina, that is David's mother. She has been getting stranger, and I am sick of it. First off wast the so-called misunderstanding about meeting last weekend. Umm, I am not so sure I believe her. Than, after I ran into Dianna and DIANNA told me that there was the chance that Gabriel was not David's son I told Tina. I did not want her to find out that I knew about this and did not let her know. I would want someone to let me know if this involved Sam. She flipped out. I got an email back from her saying that IF she is the grandmother she will see what she can do with the social worker about having visitations, as in day long or over night. Here is what her email said...

****What? What kind of person is she, you know at this point with all that has been said these past couple of e-mails and now this I don’t know what else I can take looking at the last picture you sent me of both of your grandsons they both look pretty light and if you are saying he is white he is not white he is light and with you being light and me being light there is the chance a baby will come out light. As far as Dianna she is really dark but maybe her father was really dark?

We will get with services and see what is going on with the DNA after that and if it shows we are the grand parents then I will get with them and see what our options are and if we can set something setup for Gabe day or alone visits or a night visit I am going thru a lot right now and I just can not handle anymore negative thoughts sorry but just being honest here. It seems you say things without thinking of the other person or how they may feel these are very strong words and hurt deeply you 1st challenge my parenting and the kind of people we are I feel we have done quite a bit more then most grand parents and we don’t even know if its our grandchild.


I am so mad. SO, just to blow some steam, since I am already awake and cannot get back to sleep I shall answer her here, since I know she does not care anyhoo.

I never said *I* did not think that David was his father. Dianna said it. Of course how would I know if there was any resemblence, since I have never ever seen a picture of your son as a baby, even though I have asked many times for one, as I wanted to put one of his mom and dad in Gabriel's baby book. You had said you would get me one, but I have not seen it in all these months. Just like you never got me his greatgrandmother's address so I could thank her for the gifts.

As for Sammy being white, his mother is white white, as is all her family. I am the white sheep of my family. All my brothers are darker than I. My mom is italian, and I am not sure if that is why or what is up, but I am like about the lightest in my family. My husband is pale. Dianna was very dark complected FROM BIRTH.Nope,her father is not very dark complected, but he is hispanic. I was just asking if David was light or dark as a baby. Again, I did not say that David is not the father.

When did I say something negative about your parenting? I should I guess. I say things without thinking?? Umm, I have thought this through too much, and I am putting GABRIEL first, unlike some people. I have a problem with alone visits, all day or over night visits, here is my biggest problem with that. Gabriel does not know you. You have not made it a priority to get to know him. Babies, just like children need structure in their lives, they need to know the people in their life are going to be there, as in on a regular basis. Just because he is a baby does not mean this is any less than with an older child. Gabriel does not know you, how can I send him to you for an overnight or all day thing. He needs to know you first. He needs to have you spend time getting to know him, his behaviors, his likes and dislikes, his feeding habits and all that is involved in his life. If you did that I would have less of a problem with your wanting him all day long, or overnight. He needs you to set up a regular schedule of coming down to be with him, yes that would mean here in my home, or perhaps at eh children's services place, but still it needs to be this way for three or four times first, before these day long visits start. They need to be regular, how about every other weekend?? How about geting to know your grandson?? How about putting him first?? I am sorry but a baseball game, or other sports game is not as important as this little man, I am sorry but I do not care if it is a holiday weekend, he is still more important. I put him first, before work or social events. I expect the same from you.

What do you mean you have done a bit more then most grand parents? I am not sure what kind of grandparents you had, or have, but mine must not have been the same. Sure, you have bought him stuff, umm what else, let's see. O, you have been to see him THREE times. Do you realize he is going to be EIGHT months old? Buying a child things is not a bit more than most grandparents. My mother buys him things all the time. I know, if you feel that was too much to do, since you do not even know if he is your grandson or not, why not write me up a bill and I will send you the money? That way you do not have to feel so put out.

As for what kind of person my daughter is I cannot answer. What kind of person is your son to beat a woman, and in your own home? To have molested a TWELVE year old girl? To have been a meth dealer? To have almost killed my daughter? Um, if Dianna was not monogomous in their relationship that is a bad thing, um, I have heard your son was not either. So again, what kind of person is he? Are we responsible for how they turned out? Is it our fault? Where did we go wrong? Could it be that they have to take responsiblity for their actions and that I, nor you, can say what kind of person either of them is?

So, am I wrong???? Should I send her a copy of this entry if she does email me back? Should I just see if I can block her address? Yeah, I think that would be the best way to go. I am going to see if I can do that right now. I am done with the drama. I need to focus on what is best for Gabriel and keep doing the best I can for him.


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