I Know You Wanna Make Love To Me

Nov 01, 2011 17:41

Title: ​ I Know You Wanna Make Love To Me
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,743
POV: Alex's
Prompt:Alex and Jack have known eachother throughout the whole school year (Jack's a new student), but have only exchanged "hello"s and stuff. They see eachother at a party and the eyefucking rises to a ridiculous amount that by the end of the party, they go to Alex's house and fuck on a pool table. by alexeiwrites over here
Disclaimer: I don't own them this is all lies, sadly.
A/N: yaaay smut. but um. this is my first time posting smut officially. um i'm kind of nervous but i think this is pretty good?

I really love when mine and my best friend’s parents go on week long cruises together. We live next door from each other and they both leave the house stocked up on alcohol, and they don’t even care if we party, they just want the house clean when they get home.

“’Lex, I love you, y’know that? Because I do,” Zack says, hanging off of me. He’s such a clingy drunk. “I know. I can’t blame you, I’m fucking hot,” I say, laughing.

I do another quick scan of the room to see who’s gone off to hook up and who’s still partying. My eyes stop at a certain sight. There’s a certain Jack Barakat standing awkwardly alone in the corner. The sight pulls at my heart and I start to walk towards him, despite the fact we’ve only shared a few hellos through out the year.

If it was any one else, I probably wouldn’t care that they were lonely, but Jack is new this year and he’s really hot.

I stop half way through the walk when Danny Kurily comes in and tries to seduce Jack. The latter only laughs and pushes the man away. He glances up to see me standing there looking at him. He smiles politely then looks away.

I decide Jack is fine with Danny and returns to my group of friends. They’re all drunk, but I’m not. I don’t feel like drinking tonight, so I just poured water into my drink so I wouldn’t get pressured into it.

My friends start complaining about being out of drinks, so to shut them up I volunteer to refill. I stumble past everyone in the room and into the kitchen.

I start to fill up everyone’s cup when I hear someone else come in. I look up to see the smiling face of Jack. “Hey,” I say, “Hi!” he replies, with extra enthusiasm in his voice.

He must be a happy drunk. Or maybe he’s not drunk; I’ve never actually seen him frown, now that I think about it.

He pours drinks into a cup, and then he walks over to the sink and fills the rest with water.

I laugh, “You’re pulling the same trick I am.” He smiles at me, a small one that’s barely there.

“Wait, why aren’t you drinking? You always drink,” he asks, eyes knitting together in confusion. I shrug. “Just needed a change I guess. It’s the same thing every night with the same people at the same place. It’s kind of starting to suck. So I thought, hey why the fuck not. It’s turning out badly though this kind of sucks and now I’m rambling, sorry,” I say with a laugh.

He smiles, “Its fine. Maybe if you hang out with different people it’ll be better?” he smiles and walks out of the room. Was I just hit on?

No, no. I’m just bored and want someone to hit on me…right? But the look in his eyes, a mixture of smugness and…was it lust?

I shake the thoughts out of my head and deliver the drinks to everyone. A quick sweep of the room shows that Jack was standing in the same spot as earlier, but this time he’s dancing with Danny, moving his hips against the boy with the blond streak. His eyes are trained on me, knowing smirk plastered to his face.

The sight is almost too much. I look away and try to find someone to dance on to give him a taste of his own medicine.

I grab Zack, who trips and stumbles his way out onto the dance floor (which is just his living room with all of the furniture pushed out of the way.)

I grind against Zack, he doesn’t know what’s going on but he dances, too. I glance over to Jack and smile. It’s his turn to stand there with his mouth open and blush covering his face.

Our eyes lock. I don’t stop dancing, just to mess with him. He leans over to whisper in Danny’s ear. Seconds later, their lips are clashing together in a messy kiss. Jealousy flares in the pit of my stomach and it’s just too much.

I push my way through the swaying bodies to the dark haired boy. I pull him away from Danny, who pouts then goes to find someone else. I lean over to Jack and whisper in his ear, “My house is just next door. I’m trying to make new friends,” I laugh slightly. “I’ll take you up on that offer,” He whispers in my ear. His breath fans over my ear, warm and humid.

I grab his hands and pull away from him, dragging him along after me. His hands grab my waist and squeeze slightly. I smile back at him. My hand wraps around the cool metal of the door knob and pushes it open.

Outside, the air is cold and the wind cuts at us like a knife. Jack wraps his thin arms around my waist and pulls our bodies together. The warmth feels nice against my back as I fumble with the lock.

Once it’s open, Jack turns me around and pushes me backwards. He kicks the door shut and presses his lips to mine in a forced, needy fashion. He guides me backwards, blindly fumbling through the house.

Some how we end up in the game room, with me pushed against the pool table. His lips are working against mine, his tongue pushing against mine, exploring and massaging new places. His hands tangle in my hair and pull slightly, making the angle much better for kissing.

Shirts are discarded, hands roaming over exposed skin, playing with nipples, slipping dangerously close to pants hem lines.

We break away for air, chests heaving and breath heavy. His lips move down my jaw line, down my neck, down my chest, down my torso, down, down, down. He leaves open mouth kisses as he goes, sucking and biting lightly at the exposed skin.

His fingers fumble with the button and zipper, before pulling my pants down past my knees and leaving them to fall around my dangling ankles. I kick them off as he slides my boxers down slowly. I have to push off the pool table each time for him to pull off the clothing.

His tongue flicks out and licks my slit, causing a moan to force itself out of my mouth. He takes me into his mouth, causing me to shiver with pleasure. His mouth is warm and wet and it feels amazing, to say the least.

He moves up and down, working what he can’t fit with his hand. He moans, sending vibrations all over and it’s almost too much. I tangle my fingers in his hair and pull, “I-I’m g-gonna come if you don’t st-op,” I say between gasps.

He pulls off with a pop! and gives me a minute to catch my breath. When I do, I look up to see him with three fingers in his mouth. He pulls them out and twirls his finger, indicating he wants me to turn around. I move so that my feet hit the ground and my stomach is flat against the green felt.

I gasp as he pushes one finger in, moving it around the tight ring of muscles. It hurts, but it’s bearable. He pushes a second in, scissoring his fingers and starting up a slow rhythm. He pushes in the third and final finger, moving them around expertly.

He finds my prostate, sending waves of pleasure through my body. I practically beg for him to hit it again, and he does, sending the same sensation through me.

He pulls his fingers out, causing me to whine. From behind me, I hear quiet oh oh oh’s as he covers himself with spit. He lines up all the appropriate body parts, the pushes in slowly.

It’s a big jump, and it hurts. I suck in a lungful of air once I start to get adjusted to the intrusion. “You can move, just go slow,” I say. I cringe at how broken my voice sounds.

He does as asked, pulling out and pushing in slowly, building up speed little by little. With every thrust he angles his hips differently, searching for that one spot. He finds it, sending wave after wave of pleasure over my body. My stomach is already alight with the familiar fire.

Moans tumble out of both of our mouths, swirling in the air and filling the room. I can tell when Jack is close; his thrusts get sloppier and his moans louder.

“Jack, t-touch me, please,” I say between moans. He snakes a hand around my waist and grabs my dick. He moves his hand up and down quickly, matching the pace with the pace of his thrusts.

The fire sweeps over my body, and the pleasure is indescribable. I come all over the pool table and in Jack’s hand, who follows closely behind me. I collapse against the table, Jack leaning against my back with his forehead on my shoulder.

His breath is hot on my shoulder, just adding to the heat in the room. We stay like that for a few minutes, catching our breath.

He pulls out slowly and turns me around. He pulls my hand towards the bathroom; he must have noticed it when we came in.

“Wash clothes are under the sink,” I mumble, but exhaustion is settling in and makes my eyes and lips heavy. He wets the small, blue piece of cloth and starts to wipe off my stomach and his hand.

He presses a small kiss to my nose and goes back into the game room to clean off the pool table.

I half walk, half stumble after him, “Do you want some boxers and a t-shirt or something?” He calls back a “Yes, please,” and I turn to go upstairs. I walk into my room, over to the dresser.

He comes in soon after me, running his fingers through his hair. I toss him and old t-shirt and a pair of boxers and pull on similar clothing.

I walk over to my bed and collapse onto it. He gingerly lies down beside me, shifting us both around into a more comfortable position. “Hey, Alex?” he whispers. “Hmm?” I hum in response. “Will you be my boyfriend?”

I smile, “As long as we can do this again,” He nods and wraps his long, lanky arms around my waist, pulling me close and pressing a light kiss to my nose.

We both fall asleep with smiles on our faces.

rating: nc-17, standalone, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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